5. Is it sparking again or an ending?

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After knowing karthik's growing inclination towards junior girls has made me more frustrated ,so I decided to forget about him... I really wanted to delete this chapter from my mind...it was around December where I went out on a family trip.. this helped me to come out from those breezy thoughts but it couldn't erase those tiny memories from my heart 💓.. somehow, finally stopped thinking about him...then came new year, WhatsApp was flooded with new year wishes, that day I remembered him again.. I missed his new year wishes...I made a decision on that day, I unblocked him bcoz I thought everything was over between us so why unnecessarily to keep him blocked , anyhow it was jan 1 st... thought to keep all  fresh...after few hours there came a msg from him wishing me happy new year... I didn't know whether I have to be happy or sad but frankly speaking I was Very happy.. I wished him back and again asked him to maintain that formal code between us... this time I didn't block him 😂... for few months we texted very less only for academic purposes.. there came feb 13 .. on feb 14 there was an event in our clg so we all girls and boys had to wear traditional attire for that event...on feb 13 night I was setting and keeping all ready for next day's event...there came a msg from karthik he asked which colour dress was I gng to wear for that event.. I was surprised with his msg and happy as usual... I didn't reveal him colour... I just told him it's a saree...that night don't know why our chat became informal and cute...it was a long chat session too 🤩.... finally it ended up with goodnight...on feb 14 I wore a light pink saree with matching cream colour blouse...I didn't have much makeup just a minimal touch and went to clg..as soon as I entered auditorium in our clg my gaze got diverted towards him...to my surprise karthik and I were almost same colour combination...he wore a light pink formal shirt with cream trousers..pink suited him well... coincidentally it was amazing....we didn't talk much but just a normal talk...that day somehow ended normally but I really wanted a pic of him and mine but unfortunately I couldn't ask him as I was in battling a ego war in my mind that should I ask him or not but it was not accomplished... with that memory few more days passed ...in the month of april was his bday so he wanted to throw a party...one fine day during our lunch break fortunately me and krithi sat near karthik's place, I was facing him. He told about his party and after telling that he asked me also too join but I hesitated,he tried to convince me so  I said I'll try, there was also a discussion on his chats with juniors, krithi teased him again,he clearly said juniors are like his sisters nothing much than that.. these words were so soothing for me 😂.. then the day  before his party I was in a great turmoil about my presence in his party.. he asked me to join for lunch with his besties, krithi was among them...I didn't know whether I had to go or not... I asked krithi she said to come but I was a bit confused to make a decision and decided not to go and I Texted karthik that I can't makeout but as I said he's good at convincing ppl somehow he made me to say yes... I was happy bcoz I was going to meet him but was also a bit scared how it's gonna be with him...next day I woke up had my breakfast had a shower wore a simple dark blue top paired with black jeans... karthik asked me too come through metro till a station which was nearby that lunchspot where he was giving his party so that he'll come to that metro station to pick me up... I went to metro station bought a ticket to that nearest station and made a call to him after I boarded the metro he said he'll be there by the time I reach there... I was very much excited that I was about to meet him..I reached my destination and made a call to him again he said he's gonna be there in 5 mins...so I was waiting for him...10 mins passed no signs of him...15 mins passed I was slowly loosing my patience then came a call from him that he reached metro station.. with all joy I came downstairs at metro station ,I recognized his car... I saw him and opened the door...he too wore a dark blue shirt coincidentally, with a smile on my face I got inside the car and asked reason for his delay ..he told some excuse with that cute face.. I was silent for few mins bcoz I didn't know how to start a conversation with him...he started talking to me and made me comfortable... actually I felt that comforting and secured feeling with him... I saw that affection and caring attitude in him...we stopped over a place so that krithi and some of our frndz can join us...so we were waiting for them...he suddenly saw my face for few seconds than asked did I change my spects... I said yes...he told me" actually ishika,this spects suits ur face very well"...there was a blushing smile on my face,, he too gave a cute smile..both of us saw each other coincidentally and gave a smile again... I liked those moments with him... infact I felt really happy with him.. Krithi ppl joined us and we reached restaurant... it was a buffet... whenever I went to food counters to have them, Karthik escorted me...I liked that attention towards me... lunch programme ended smoothly and it was time for me too leave...but I didn't want to leave..me and krithi had a shopping plan after lunch so I had to say bye to karthik... with great difficulty I left that place.

Our clg was planning for a north india tour many ppl from our class were interested in it unfortunately due to some reasons karthik had no chance to come...so the shopping me and krithi went was for that tour...so it was a last day of clg before  commencement of summer holidays and our tour... I really wanted to meet karthik...so the day before that day evening I opened WhatsApp and there was a msg from him he also wanted the same, to meet me...so we decided to meet next day... I reached clg at 8:30 am  and called him he said he was already in clg and asked me to stay wherever I'm..I was at the parking lot..he came there and handed over a Ferraro rocher to me, first I hesitated and finally took it ..I felt spl at that moment...we went into our college lawn and spoke some random stuff...it was so new to me sitting with a guy in college but I loved it because it was him...then it was time for us to leave we said bye and left....

Then that afternoon I heard a news from krithi that he also gave a bday treat to his junior grls... on listening this I was very furious on him... I hated it...and I felt pity on myself.... don't know why that jealous feelings in me turned out into hatred.... I hated him

What happened then????
Keep reading folks 😝

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