7. Proposal

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That one statement from him made me go crazy...He said " You are the best thing that happened to me after joining our medical college,I promise, I'll look after u so well... I'm sure I Will"... I was on my sofa while I was reading those texts... I was in a literal shock...there was a big smile on my face...for few seconds I got freezed.. I didn't reply him back for a moment, I just kept my phone aside and experienced that comfort happiness... I didn't know what sort of feeling it was, I replied him with a smiley emoji. I didn't know what exactly to tell him and I kept quiet for sometime... I was still in a confusion whether he was  expressing it indirectly or just said in a friendly manner 😂...so I wanted to clear this, after an hour I texted him" so what are we now?"...he said" we are more than friends..u are spl to me"... this msg gave me a soothing feeling and I got 99% clarity that it was a kind of proposal but wasn't completely sure...we talked for few days in a friendly manner I mean, spl friendly manner 😂....

Our holidays were for a month,10-15 days were still left for those holidays to complete. Karthik was leaving to china to stay with his father for remaining days...I was a bit sad that I can't talk to him for a day as he will be flying ,so before he boarded the flight I called him... I wished him happy journey and asked him whether he packed his luggage properly or not...he said yes and we spoke for few mins,then it was time for him to leave, so lastly I said him so spontaneously " so, after going there will u remember me?"...he laughed and said" why will I forget u and how can I?..so don't worry I'll text u once I reach shangai"... with this I said bye and was happy for his soothing words, as he said he immediately texted me after reaching Shangai...

Our chats duration have increased after he went there...we chatted for long time...it was May and my bday was approaching...3 days before my bday we were normally texting our random chats suddenly a discussion came about life partner..he asked what kind of guy i wanted?..I was in a confusion that This fellow had understood my feelings or not?...so i indirectly told him all his qualities to him 😂 then he replied" don't worry u will get ur guy, he maybe close to u someday or the other u will meet him"...then I replied" no he is not close to me,he is very much far from me right now".... with this statement he understood what I said...and there he sent me an emoji with those  hearts Popping out...that was an another chance for our official proposal but we didn't say those signature words of proposal 😂...and I said him" thanks for introducing this beautiful phase in my life".... After few interchange of texts he replied" I'm on cloud nine now"...we both of us know what we had in our minds but slowly getting through it ... A day before my bday he sent me a pic...that pic was so lovely...it had three generations of couples in it...one gen was a kid couple , second was teenage couple,third was an old couple, with that pic he also sent a msg..." We met in second stage I would love to enter the third stage too"... With that pic I got complete clarity that we were proceeding further but still never said those magical words 😂.... finally came my bday it was 12 am ...he texted me..." Last year on this day we barely know each other..but now u are my world.. Happy birthday Baby" with this msg I've gone crazy and I replied him back" u are my world too..thanks a lot baby"...he said" we'll definitely marry with our parents permission..at any cost we'll live together...and most importantly if there are any objections from our parents we are going to handle them smoothly ,all I want is ,u being in my life, definitely we are going to live together with everyone's blessings"...with this msg I was completely flattered... I couldn't believe that it was for real ...I was damn happy that night.. I said him that it was my best bday wish..we chatted for some more time and I finally slept with a happy feeling...

Next day morning I saw his msgs he sent me few filter copy relationship,sweet couples YouTube videos 😂...after seeing them subconsciously I started imagining us like that and it gave me a soothing, happy feeling...

So after few days we planned to meet as soon as possible after he returned to India... finally he came back..it was on june 6 where we decided to meet... with all excitement I reached our clg it was a holiday so we thoughts that was the best day to meet... I was having goosebumps before I met him but when I saw him at our clg my face glowed with happiness.. I saw him for the first time after we committed and I could feel that love between us... I came on my scooty and i asked him to drive ...

It was not for the first time going with him on scooty ,it was all same, but there was  one change we observed, previously there was a gap between us ,  but now,,it Disappeared !!!!🤭😆😉

This is our story guyz ...and I'm very happy with him... I had lot's of fun writing this chapter, remembering all those beautiful  memories.... I really thank god for sending him in my life....

Thank you guys!! 😍🤩

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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