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As I turned the corner someone slammed into me, knocking me to the ground. I looked over to be met with pink stilettos and a strong smell of perfume. I didn't need to look up to know that it was Brooke. It was my first week at this shit hole they call a school and the so called "queen bee" already had me on her shit list.

"Watch where you're walking." She growled while looking at me in disgust. "You should stay down there on the ground. That's where sluts like you belong anyway."

You're probably expecting some girl with pounds of makeup on her face, but she actually didn't wear much. She was naturally pretty with dark blue eyes and blonde hair. Which I think is the only thing fake about her since you can tell her hair is dyed because no one has hair that blonde. 

I smiled up at her sweetly causing her to look at me in confusion as I got up and said, "At least I don't spend my time on the ground down on my knees like you. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get away from your stench, it's making my nose burn." 

With that I turned around and walked away leaving her with her mouth wide open. I walked over to my locker and was met with a shrill scream in my ear. I cringed away from the sound, closed my locker and turned around to see Lucia staring at me with a weird look on her face. It was creeping me out because I couldn't tell if she looked like a clown or constipated. I decided on the latter, she definitely looked constipated.

"Do you have to take a shit or something," I asked, "Because if you do I didn't bring any Febreze with me." She burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing she ever heard.

"Why would you bring Febreze with you to school? Wait never mind that's not what's important right now. Do you have a fucking death wish or something talking to Brooke like that? It's about time she got put in her place, but I didn't expect you to be the one to say something to her."

"I just don't like people who think they're so much better than everyone else. I don't care who she is, I'm not putting up with anybody's shit."

"Alright, alright. No need to get so worked up about it I was just wondering..." As they walked away their voices got quieter, but they never noticed the boy with the blue eyes surrounded by his friends. He watched her walk out of the school with a funny look on his face and shook his head.

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