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This is a switch fanfic for all you switch stans like me uwu. Ignore the straight sex in the beginning lol


"Ah Taehyung, yess!" she was moaning loudly underneath him as he kept thrusting in and out of her. Her pussy was dripping wet and slick but Taehyung couldn't help but notice how loose it was around his dick.

His ass would feel tighter. That's for sure. She was practically screaming his name now but all Taehyung could do was imagine him doing that. His dick twiched at the thought and he fastened his pace even more.

The pictures of the brown haired boy with milk white skin, squirming and whimpering beneath him, gripping his shoulders just like her now and moaning his name flooded his mind and he slowed down his movements while cumming hard.

Fucking another person every day was the only way he could satisfy his desires and it was pretty easy to find someone for a quick fuck as he was an idol and hot as fuck so people were practically dying to spend a night with him. But the only thing that kept him going during sex was the thought of his group member, Jeongguk.

No one could ever turn him on as much as him. He has been fantasizing about younger for not that now long but long enough to make him go crazy.

Let's clear the things up. They've known each other for years, they live together, they are very close. They have even seen each other without clothes numerous times while showering or changing in front of each other but Taehyung hasn't felt that kind of attraction towards him till a few months ago.

It all started with that damn vlive. It was after their concert that Jeongguk turned on vlive to chat with their fans but after he said goodbye he didn't press the right button so the live went on without him knowing.

Taehyung happened to be watching that live and he saw Jeongguk putting his headphones on and looking at his laptop and everything seemed normal until Taehyung saw Jeongguk's hand moving up and down. The camera was at the angle that nothing could be seen clearly, but it was obvious that Jeongguk was jerking off. On top of that he started moaning and Taehyung's jaw dropped as he couldn't believe what he was watching.

Fortunately one of the members immediately called Jeongguk to tell him what was happening and he shut down the camera instantly, highly embarrassed.

Taehyung was speechless and his mind was a mess until he looked down and saw a bulge in his pants. He didn't even realize that one of his best friends gave him a boner and he started to freak out because of that. At first he refused to touch himself as he felt weird and extremely confused but eventually gave in.

As expected the fans went crazy, social medias crushed and Jeongguk's name was trending for a whole week. His name was the main topic of every article and everyone was talking only about that.

A total disaster.

Fortunately their tour was over so they didn't have to appear in public for some time and Jeongguk was hiding in his room for days avoiding all members, staff and friends.

But after some time, everything went back to normal. Everyone pretended that small incident never happened and even though Jeongguk knew the fans would never forget, he had to overcome the shame and proceed with his career.

Everything was like before. For everyone. Except for Taehyung. At first he tried to convince himself that he was just sexually deprived so he reacted like that, but then he started having wet dreams about Jeongguk and realized that there was indeed something beyond simple sexual frustration.

Of course he didn't do anything about that. Not only did he think that he would ruin his longtime friendship with Jeongguk, but also his career and everything else if anyone found out.

So he kept quiet and started hooking up with random people instead.

"Taehyung, that was amazing." said the girl panting. "We should definitely do this again."

Taehyung heard a ding on his phone and ignored her when he saw that Jeongguk sent him a message.

Tae, where r u??
We're all waiting for you

Oh shit. He totally forgot that they had a dance practice in the afternoon.

I'll be there in 10

He quickly dressed up, said 'I gotta go' and rushed out of the apartment leaving confused girl behind.

Once he reached their practice studio he practically ran inside and almost stumbled on his own feet.

"Woah, easy Tae. We could wait a few more minutes, you know." chuckled Hoseok.

"Sorry guys, the traffic was terrible. You know I hate being late." said Tae with apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, just don't let it become a habit." warned Hoseok and Taehyung just nodded knowing better than to piss him off because everyone knew how Hoseok could be scary with things related to dance. He took it very seriously and was like a second coach to the boys, explaining the moves and everything so everyone listened to him.

"Guys. You know what Taehyung did? He 'Jimined' today." Jin burst out laughing at his own joke while everyone else just rolled their eyes with the boring facial expression.

"That's not funny." Jimin pouted. "You know I'm trying not to be late all the time. It just happens." he sighed.

"Yeah yeah and I'm straight." Yoongi snickered.

Jimin was about to hit him when Hoseok interrupted them and said they should start with the practice already.

As usual, Taehyung tried to not stare at Jeongguk all the time, but it was hard when younger looked so hot while dancing. His sexy moves and body rolls were driving Taehyung insane.

But he managed to compose himself and advert his gaze somewhere else. He didn't want to get hard right there.

After they were done with the practice, Taehyung went to the dorm to shower and change into something more comfortable.

When he was done with the shower, he dried himself with a towel and wanted to go out to his room to put his clothes on. He was humming some song when he opened his bathroom door but then froze.

Jeongguk stood there while rummaging through some of Taehyung's drawers. He snapped his head towards Taehyung and Taehyung felt his ears burning.

"J-Jeongguk. What are you doing here?" he quickly grabbed a towel and put it around his waist. "Oh, I was just looking for your phone charger, I can't find mine." answered Jeongguk a little sheepishly.

"It's on the desk." Taehyung answered now standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Oh yes I see it. Thanks." Jeongguk chuckled and went to take it but as he passed by Taehyung their arms brushed against one another.

A wave of electricity hit Taehyung's body and he had to put a lot of effort into hiding a flustered look on his face. Jeongguk took the charger and was about to exit the room when he suddenly turned around to look at Taehyung.

"Oh by the way, where were you today?" he asked curiously.

"With a friend." Taehyung said quickly. He couldn't even come up with a good lie since Jeongguk caught him off guard.

"Oh okay." he didn't seem convinced but nonetheless gave him a smile and exited the room.

But Taehyung didn't miss how Jeongguk was eyeing him up and down before he went out.

Did he just check me out? What the fuck?

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