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The cell phone slipped from his sweaty palms and fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Taehyung was frozen on the spot when he saw them.

Pictures of Jeongguk and him walking by the river, as well as video of them kissing and holding hands were all over his timeline and their names were trending worldwide.

Even though it was dark when the pictures were taken, it was very clear that it was them. Someone again did a really good job of catching their faces on camera.

Thousands of people were retweeting and sharing the posts, some with positive reactions but most of the comments were the negative ones, and Taehyung knew that this wasn't something that they could just ignore and laugh off.

Even though Taehyung was aware that someday they could be spotted and the people could find out about their relationship, he never knew that that day had already come.

The harsh reality felt like a slap on his face and Taehyung knew that this was the beginning of the end.

"Taehyung, are you okay?"

Hearing Namjoon's voice he snapped out from his trance and started breathing again.

He slowly turned his head to look at Namjoon, fear still bubbling in the pit of his stomach.

He gulped dryly.

"You were right. We fucked up." he uttered, voice shaking and tears welling up in his eyes.


The phones wouldn't stop ringing and the noise was just enough to worsen Jeongguk's already throbbing headache.

With closed eyes he started to massage his temples in order to ease the pain.

After everybody had found out about the situation they all gathered in their living room, talking and searching for a possible solutions to the problem.

People from the press had gone crazy and started calling them on the phone every two minutes.

They were even camping in front of their gate, pushing and elbowing each other, yelling and trying to get some information from the guards or anyone they could see in the yard.

Jeongguk sat on the couch and he was terrified, frustrated and under a huge stress. Taehyung was crying silently on the other side of the couch while Jimin was trying to console him.

The rest of them were either talking in a low voice or just sat quietly with blank expressions and gaze fixed to the one spot.

None of them were actually prepared for this, especially Jeongguk.

When he saw the photos and videos he was extremely shocked but then remembered how Taehyung claimed that he felt someone's presence that night.

He couldn't believe that he thought Taehyung was just being paranoid.

They should've been more careful. They shouldn't have held hands in public, let alone kissed.

Jeongguk could feel the pounding in his head while his heart was thumping loudly.

We are so screwed.

He was even more upset after Bang pd had arrived.

Fuck, he's going to be angry.

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