4.1K 142 29

First of all, I want to thank you guys for 1k reads, you are the best 😭💜
I know I haven't been active here for a long time, but a lot of things happened in the past few months and I didn't really feel motivated to write.
But when I saw this story hit 1k views I felt inspired to write again. It's not much, but to me it means a lot~
I'll try to finish this story and maybe High Hopes as I have a really good idea for that one.

Sorry for the rambling and thank you once again. 🥺💛


"I can't believe all of that happened while we were away." muttered Hoseok with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yeah, I really wish we were here to help." said Jimin worriedly.

The members all gathered in their dorm living room a few days after the incident took place.

Holidays were almost over and they were spending their last days of a short vacation chilling before they had to continue with their tour.

Taehyung and Jeongguk waited until all of them came back to the dorm from their family homes, and then told them about the situation.

After that night, Hanbin was taken to the station and punished properly and Bang Si Hyuk made sure that media or anyone from general public don't find out about the case.

It would only cause unnecessary drama and spotlight on the boys and that was the last thing they wanted in this situation.

"No. It's better like this. You guys got some rest with your families at least. You deserve it." Taehyung assured them.

"Oh, that reminded me. Tae, your parents. I know you wanted to come out to them. How that went?" asked Namjoon curiously.

Taehyung's already bad mood suddenly became even worse and his face fell. His heart clenched from the wave of hurt and sadness suddenly flooding his senses.

"About that... Uh..." started Jeongguk as Taehyung went silent.

"What happened?" Jin was concerned.

"I told them. And it didn't go very well." admitted Taehyung after a short pause.

"I told them about Jeongguk and I, and they... They..." he couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a sudden lump in his throat and his vision blurring.

"Shh, it's okay." Jeongguk embraced him in a warm hug while caressing his back.

"They didn't accept you." finished Yoongi. "That's exactly why I don't wanna come out to mine. They would probably disown me." he snickered humorlessly.

"I can't believe that. I thought Mr. and Mrs. Kim wouldn't mind. They didn't seem homophobic." Namjoon uttered quietly while shaking his head.

"Well... they are." Taehyung said after he calmed down. "And they didn't even call for my birthday. It hurts me a lot, hyung."

"My dad told me that-- that once he was proud of me but now... he's dissapointed. I-I couldn't believe my ears." Taehyung said, hurt lacing his words.

He swallowed thickly and looked Namjoon in the eyes.

"Am I a dissapointment, hyung? Am I even worth anything good in this world?" Taehyung whispered because he knew if he didn't his voice would crack.

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