author's note

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Hey guys,

(this was made on the 16th of February 2015)

There are something's that I might need to clarify.

before we start.

Yes, this is a Teenlock Fanfiction about the BBC SHERLOCK series.
You may need to understand, between the period I started and finished this book, I have to say my writing must have improved just a little bit.

So if you're reading the first or second chapter and you find that my writing is absolutely horrid, please say so, and please feel obliged to stop as you may. However I must say my writing will eventually improve my vocabulary ectera, ectera.


As always and as usual, there will be grammatical mistakes and spelling errors and words that AR used in the wrong context, I have a feeling most people know what I'm talking about, but it would e greatly appreciated if you were to point them out. yay.

This entire book is dedicated to Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman and all my lovely lovely readers.
Ones that have stayed loyal for a very long time, waiting through my very slow updates, and commented and voted all throughout this book. (this was made when I had just posted chapter seventeen ;D)

Also to my little coffee shop down the road that sells coffee, tea and bagels.

To that girl who walked down the road in the city and yelled VATICAN CAMEROS and made like three people including me duck.

Also to wattpad.

For being wattpad.

and to all of my lovelies, who are the best thing since white bread.

thanks xo


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