𝟯 ~ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧

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Y/n POV:

The weekend quickly went by, but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream. But I'm trying to forget about it. So I did my usual thing and got ready for school. Emily told me she wasn't going to school today, so I have to walk alone... With my thoughts.

I walked to school, listening to music. I haven't walked alone in a while.. The streets were cold and wet, because it has been raining all night. 

I arrived at the school and was greeted by Adam, as always. He walked to my locker with me. "So.. Have you heard?" "Heard what?" I unlock my locker and look at him.

"School dance? End of the semester?" He played with my locker door. "Oh, yeah that. We've got like four more weeks. Why?"

"I know I- It's kind of early but uhm.." He stuttered. "W- Would you wanna, maybe.. go with me?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him. "I mean I know It's a little early to ask-" he continued. "I mean, why not, Adam? Emily's coming too, though." I closed my locker and put my books in my backpack.

"Yeah.. Emily's coming too.." he mumbled. 

The bell rang and we went our seperate ways. I had math and he had, i don't know, English? Math is so boring. I don't talk to anyone here. I mean, we have assigned seats. I sit next to Noah, a pretty popular boy. He's pretty close with Adam, actually.

I leaned my head on my hand as I stared at the board. Before I knew it, the bell rang.

And guess what. We've got photography. Why do we have photography more than we used to? My luck is horrible. I walked to class and luckily wasn't the first one there. I sat in my usual seat, but this time alone cause Emily isn't here.

Teenagers started entering the classroom. I silently look around and notice Mr. Holland glancing at me. What do I do? Smile back or.. I look down at my desk. I can't have this weird eye contact thing going on.

"Hey, I forgot to ask.." Adam stood in front of my desk, tapping on it, which scared me a little. I didn't even see him- "What happened the other day with you and..." he quickly looked over to where Mr Holland was standing.

"Literally nothing, Adam." "Are you sure? You think I didn't see that eye contact?" He loudly whispered back. "You're delusional, Adam." I say. He walked back to his seat and Mr. Holland spoke up.

"Okay everyone quiet down." He said, loudly. Everyone immediately shut their mouths. "Before we're gonna start, I have something here.." he unzipped his backpack and grabbed a folded peace of paper. "I am gonna move some of you around, and that'll be your new assigned seat." He continued. Everyone sighed. "Don't get to excited." He said sarcastically

He started switching some students places. Hopefully he doesn't move me. I'm perfectly fine here in my corner.

"Y/n, switch seats with.. Noah." And there goes my safe spot. I now sit in the front of his desk. Great. At leadt Adam's next to me. I grab my backpack off the floor and move.

Mr. Holland told us that he's a model, actor and photographer. What can't this man do?

He showed us some pictures and wow. He had half the class drooling not gonna lie. He's going to jail for that.

After his long talk about himself he finally let us get to work. We were already working on a project before he started working here. Emily is my partner, but she isn't even here so what do I do..?

"Uhm Mr. Holland?" I walk over to him. "Yes, darling?" The fact that he called me darling sent shivers down my spine. "Uhm.. Emily isn't here a- and she's my partner.." I stutter. The freaking stutters are back.

Basically the project is: You work in a group of two/three people. You make a collage about the school. Take pictures of teachers and classrooms, print them out and put them in the collage. Weird project but idk LMAO

Mr. Holland looked at my collage, which was halfway done. "I mean.. Since you're almost done anyways, could you maybe help me? You can finish this later, when Emily's back." He said when he notices my confused face. "Sure I guess."

"I just sent something to the printer," he pointed at his computer. "-could you show me where the printer is?" "Oh, yeah sure." The printer is literally at the other side of the school, in the teacher's lounge. "Okay everybody I'll be right back!" He told the class before we walked out.

We walked out of the classroom and I started walking, Mr. Holland right behind me. He later caught up and was walking next to me. "So.. You know your way around the school, don't you?" What kind of question even is that? "Yup"

"I mean, you are pretty smart, I've seen your grades." He smiled at me. "Oh.. Thanks." I awkwardly smiled back. I look back in front of me but notice him still smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

"And uhm.. Adam,," He kind of whispered. "Is he like.. Your boyfriend?" My eyes widened. "Why are you asking me, sir..?"

"Just.. Y'know, I always see you guys together.. Before school starts.. During lunch and.. During class.." He mumbles the last part, but I could still hear. How does he know all this? And isn't he the one that made me sit next to Adam in his class..?

"I mean, no we're not dating. We're just good friends. And it's kind of... Non of your business, sir." I say as we turn a corner. At the end of the hall is the teacher's lounge. "I mean, you two would look pretty good together.. I mean.. A young, attractive girl and a handsome boy.." I cringe at his words.

"Uhm.. Thanks?" I awkardly say as I stop next to the door to the teacher's lounge. He smiles and opens the door, revealing an empty teacher's lounge. I point at the printer in the corner of the room. "Thanks, y/n." He walks over to the printer.

"Wait, uhm could you help me here? I'm confused." He asked me, looking down at the apparently 'confusing' machine. I walk over to the printer and press a few buttons. I put my hand on the printer to feel if it was working, I guess, which it was. Papers fell out of the printer.

"See, you're incredibly smart." He smiled and placed his hand on mine. His brown eyes stared into my soul, like in my dream...

Hey youuu!! I hope you're liking this book so far. If you didn't know, this is a book which has an edit for each chapter posted on my instagram @qvengcrs.

But thank you for reading this trashy book lol. If you have any ideas or questions or just wanna talk, hit me up in my dms or Wattpad message. I love you and have a great day/night 💓

Ps, please tell me if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language uwu. And please vote and share this book :)

1449 words.

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