𝟵 ~ 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜

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I'm sorry in advance for what you're about to read.. Btw I've never had a homecoming cause we don't do those here where i live lmao so idrk how those work. So this how i think they go.

Today, Tuesday, is the school dance. The dance is at six tonight. You're currently sitting the last class of the day, biology.

You're debating whether or not you should go, since everyone is still giving you weird looks and you're kind of uncomfortable.

But you're going. You're still going.

The bell rings and you leave the classroom. You quickly walk to your locker, hoping no one will stop you or call you names on the way there.

You open your locker and get a nudge from someone. You turn to see Emily.

"Hey uhm.. I'm sorry, Y/n.. For the other day.." she stutters a little and looks down.

"And what made you change your mind?"

"I.. I just realized how rude I was being and uhm.. Brooke's a terrible person and she turned the whole group against me.. I should've listened to you." Emily says and frowns.

"So you're telling me that you came back to me, cause you lost your friends?" You raiswd your voice at her..

"No, no I just.. I just want to apologise. I'm a horrible person and I know this has messed up our friendship, but we can.. Start over?"

You stay silent for a few seconds, before quickly hugging her tightly. "I forgive you."

After five seconds of hugging you let go of her and smile brightly.
"So.. Tonight is the dance!! What are you wearing?" Emily asks excitingly.

"We can go together and get ready at my house." You reply.

"Oh.. I can't.. My date will be picking me up."

"Date..? Who's your date?" You smirk.

"Joshua from art class."

"Oh, I haven't seen you two talk before?"

"We started talking last week, after our little fight." Emily says.

"Oh that's okay.. Anyways, I gotta go home and get my things ready, I'll see you at six?" You close your locker.

"Okay see you!" Emily says as you walk to the exit of the school, heading home.


It's five o'clock in the afternoon. It's still bright outside. The dance starts in an hour and you're almost done getting ready. You have taken a shower, dressed up and you have done your hair. Now you're doing your makeup.

When you're done, it's a quarter to six. It takes about ten minutes to get from your house to school, so you're not in a rush.

You take your phone and before you walk out of your house, you look at yourself in the body mirror. You smile at yourself.

"Hi. Hey.. Hello. Good evening!" You practice before having an actual conversation. No one says hello. Hey is fine. You leave your house and walk to school.

You can hear the music getting louder, the closer you get to the entrance of the school. You walk in and get greeted by Emily, holding her date, Joshua.

You three walk into the school gym, where the dance is. The gym is big and it's beautifully decorated. It has purple and blue lights shining everywhere, same colored balloons and a whole corner with food and drinks.

A lot of students are already dancing. Teachers are already drinking. Drinking as in.. Sprite, Coke and stuff..

You look around and your jaw drops when you see him.. Mr. Holland, in a suit. He doesn't see you, yet, cause he's busy folding the ends of his sleeve up.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now