𝟱 ~ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙂𝙞𝙧𝙡

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The next day you're running to school, cause you overslept and now you're gonna be late. You arrive at school one minute before class starts. You quickly grab your books out of your locker and run to class.

"I'm sorry.. I overslept, sir." You say as you walk into your math classroom. "Just take a seat." Mr. Jones snapped. He is a strict teacher and doesn't like anyone being late. Doesn't matter if it's a minute or a few seconds..

You take a seat and grab your books. You try to focus but keep getting distracted by your thoughts. Today you have photography class.

The bell rang as you went to your next class, Art. You quickly walk to class and see Emily talking to someone. You rush over to her. "Hey Emily."  She turns around and smiles.

"Hey Y/n!! This is Brooke, she's new here, she's really nice." Brooke smiles at the compliment. "Thanks Em."

You smile at Brooke. You notice that Brooke is sitting in your assigned seat.

"Uhm, Brooke, this is actually my seat." You say, trying not to sound rude. "Oh that's no problem, I let her sit here cause it's her first day." Emily says, making you a little confused. You shrug it off and sit at the other side of the classroom, since every other seat was taken.

Before you know it, class ends and you're walking out of the classroom with Brooke and Emily. "Brooke, you have photography with us!"  They both got really exited and you're starting to feel like a third wheel.

Normally Adam and Emily would join you in the abandoned part of the school, on the staircase, for lunch. But now it's all different.
Now you're sitting in the crowded cafeteria with two girls you feel like you don't even know.

Can Brooke shut up? I mean she's sweet and everything, but she talks a little to much.. You think to yourself as you're listening to their conversation and looking around the cafeteria.

You lightly gasp. You notice Adam at the other side of the cafeteria. You thought you'd never see him again. A smile grows on your face as you look at him. It quickly dies down when you see him hug a girl.

"Earth to Y/n," Emily's voice brings you back to reality. "W- What?" You say looking back at them, quickly. "Uhm.. We've got photography... We're gonna head to class a lil early." She says. "Okay. I'm coming too." You grab your backpack.

"Oh.." Brooke sighs, making you look. She gives you a kind of fake smile. Did she just- okay. You think to yourself.

You follow Brooke and Emily to class.

The thought of Mr. Holland gives you anxiety.. His touches and his staring. His abs which were often showing through his shirts. The glances. You just didn't feel comfortable.

"Wait I've gotta go to the bathroom." Brooke turns and enters the bathroom, Emily following. At this point they forgot that you're here.

Why do I even bother at this point? You think. You end up going to class without them.

You arrive at the classroom and walk in, since the door is open. No one was there yet, but there he was, wiping the old notes off the whiteboard and humming a song.

He didn't hear you walk in until you moved your chair. "Oh, good morning Y/n." He turns and smiles at you.

You mumble a good morning back and sit down in your new assigned seat, which was in front of his desk. He goes back to cleaning the whiteboard.

"You know that class isn't starting 'till a quarter past ten, right?" He asks and turns to look at you. You sigh. Those girls-

"Yeah uhm.. I don't know." You look down at your desk, remembering the Adam situation.

"Uhm actually, Mr. Holland.. May I ask you something?" You look back up at him.

"Ask me anything, darling."

"Uhm.. What exactly did you tell Adam the other day? C- Cause he's been avoiding me.." You stutter, making Mr. Holland look at you with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean, avoiding you?"

"Ever since you had that talk with him he basically blocked me out of his life, sir."

"I haven't said anything about you, love. I talked to him about his grades and stuff.. I think he's just upset and needs time alone."

"Okay." You say, quietly.

"And don't worry.." He says as he leans towards you, making you look up. "..He'll be fine." A smile creeps on his face.

He quickly moved back when he heard a knock on the door. "Good morning Holland!" Emily and Brooke have walked in. Mr. Holland greets them back and walks back to the whiteboard.

"Mr Holland? As in Tom..?" Brooke whispers in Emily's ear as they sit down in the back of the classroom, where you used to sit.

"Yeah, Mr. Holland's his name, why?" Emily asks as she puts her backpack on the floor. "Uhm.. Just asking,,"

Students start entering the classroom. Then Adam walks in with the same girl he was with during lunch. I've never seen her around, like, ever.

"Good morning everyone. Who's exited for today's lesson?" Mr. Holland asks the class when everyone is silent. Everyone sighs.

"That's the spirit."

He grabbed a big bag he had under his desk. "Today we're gonna be working with..."

"..Cameras!" He says, excitingly. No one was as excited him, though.

"It's a video project, everyone " He continues. Everyone is still silent.

"You have to make a little skit, it has to be three to six minutes long. Today you guys can make groups and write scripts. Go ahead." He says looking at everyone and stopping at you.

Everyone shuffles their chairs and basically run to their friends. You look over at Emily. She motions for you to join her and Brooke.

You for some reason don't like Brooke, at all.

But you join them anyway. You were kind of hoping you'd be in a group with Emily and Adam, but no.

You walk over to Brooke and Emily and take a seat next to them. "So.. What are we gonna do?"

After making a plan and an almost finished script you've got ten more minutes until class ends. Mr. Holland walks by and checks on you and your group.

"You guys are almost done, already?" "Yes sir." Emily shows him the half done script. "Can't wait to see it." Mr. Holland smiles.

Before he walks away, he accidentally pushes your pencil case off your table. "Oh, my apologies." He says as he leans down and grabs it. His hand touches your thigh making you shiver.

He slowly moves up and lets go of your thigh. "Here you go." He places the pencil case on your desk and walks away.

What just happened. You look at Emily, hoping that she saw that but of course, she was talking to Brooke.

"Y/n, you're gonna keep the camera, since you're good at not losing things." Brooke gives you the camera and you put it in your backpack.

Class ends, but of course, right when you're about to leave, Holland stops you.

"Hey Y/n, wait." He gently grabs your shoulder and turns you around. "Yes?"

"Uhm, I know you're busy, but can we talk?"

I can't wait for you guys to read the next part. It's gonna have so much T E A.

If you didn't know, this is a book which has an edit for each chapter posted on my instagram @qvengcrs.

But thank you for reading this trashy book lol. If you have any ideas or questions or just wanna talk, hit me up in my dms or Wattpad message. I love you and have a great day/night 💓

And please vote and share this book :)

1471 words.

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐭 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now