College Party (S)

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Bill's POV

"B-Bev why are y-you dragging me to this p-party? Why c-cc-can't I j-just stay home?" I asked Bev slightly annoyed. "Because you need to get out, maybe you can find a nice guy to talk to," Bev replied nudging me with her elbow. "B-Bev," I let out an annoyed sigh. "What? Maybe you can meet some worth having a conversation with." Bev spoke in a slightly serious tone. "F-fine I'll go," I huffed out and crossed my arms.

"Okay let's get you dressed," Bev said excitedly trying her best to contain it. She dragged me to my closet. "We need to pick you out something cute," She said grinning and jumping with excitement. She pulled out three crop tops. The first one was plain white and the text reads 'my sexual preference is often', the second one was black with pink writing that said 'yes daddy?', and the last one was all black leather that unzipped down to the very bottom of the top.

"Okay pick which one you wanna wear," Bev spoke calmly with a small smile. "I th-thought you said c-cute?" I spoke shocked that she picked out some slutty clothing. "Just pick one," Bev said chuckling. I ended up picking the first one.

"Now let's find some bottoms," Bev said and got absorbed into the closet again. She pulled out one skirt, one pair of pants, and one pair of shorts. The skirt was very short and plain white. The pair of pants were leather and the shorts were so short that they were shorter than Eddie's shorts he would wear in middle school. I picked the leather pants.

"Now for the shoes," Bev spoke happily. She brought out two pairs of shoes. They were both black, but the first ones had some golden bits on it and the second ones had straps on them and had taller heels. I decided on the second pair.

I went to my bathroom and changed into my party outfit. "Bill, are you done?" Bev asked after about 15 minutes of me being in the bathroom room. "Y-yeah," I spoke quietly and she came in with her makeup bag.

Bev put a deep red lipstick on me. She used dark brown eyeshadow and did wing eyeliner. "What do you think?" Bev asked. "I l-like it, b-but I look like a f-fff-fucking whore," I said nervously laughing. "I know it's perfect," Bev said smirking.

We walked out to the car. The car wasn't very long and we just talked whilst listening to music. Before I knew it we were there. When we walked through the door I saw my roommate Stan. We don't normally see each other because of our schedules. He looked towards Me and Bev and his jaw dropped.

"Bill you should go talk to Stan," Bev said smirking. I didn't even wanna argue so I walked over to Stan. "Hey, St-Stan," I spoke softly. "Hey, Bill you look... hot," Stan said looking me up and down whilst biting his lip. I blushed and giggled at his compliment. I looked down at the floor to not look him in the eyes and I said a slight bulge in his jeans. "Do you wanna go get some drinks?" Stan asked smiling. "Sh-sure," I said walking with him the drink area.

We drank a few shots of vodka and then headed to the dance floor with a strong drink that I didn't know the name of. Stan was behind me with his hands on my hips. I started grinding on him. He started kissing my neck. After about fifteen minutes Stan whispers in my ear "Hey do you wanna go back to our dorm and maybe continue this?". "Sh-sh-sure," I spoke quietly internally screaming.

We drove back to our dorm and stumbled into the room messily making out. "G-god I've wanted this fff-for ages," I spoke in between kisses. "Me too," Stan let out as a breathy moan. He aggressively threw me on his bed. "Do you want me to be rough or gentle?" Stan asked lustfully. "I want you to f-fff-fuck me hard," I spoke with lust dripping from my voice.

Stan nodded and stripped himself of his shirt. "Strip," Stan growled and I obediently started stripped, but he stopped me at my underwear. "Fuck Bill," He bit his lip. He took the waistband of my dark red lace undies pulling on it to make it snap back. I let out a quiet breathy moan.

"God damn you're driving me nuts," Stan spoke in a sexy deep voice making me want him more. "Do you need prep?" Stan asked sucking on my sweet spot. "No," I let out as an unintentional moan. "I did it earlier," I finished my sentence. "What were you thinking about?" Stan asked giving my neck another kiss "You," I said quietly. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you," Stan smirked hearing me the first time. "You," I spoke loudly whilst blushing.

He smirked and got up to take his pants off. Seeing the tent through his boxers made my mouth water. "Like what you see Princess?" Stan asks rubbing himself through his boxers. I couldn't gather words for how turned on I was all I could do was nod. "I'm sorry Princess, but I'm gonna need words," Stan spoke sweetly smiling. "Y-yes," I whimpered as Stan teased my hole.

"I love hearing those beautiful sounds come from your mouth," Stan groaned. "St-stan please," I begged needily. "Please what Princess?" Stan said as he continued to tease me. "P-pl-please fuck me," I whined.

Stan grabbed a pillow and put it under my hips. He got down on his knees. "St-Stan what are y-oh." I tried to speak, but I was interrupted by a sudden and unexpected moan as Stan lick my hole. Stan kept repeatedly licking my hole, all of a sudden I felt him thrust his tongue inside me. I bit my lip trying to contain my moan.

Stan grabbed my bottom lip. " Let out all your moans, I wanna hear every single one of those sexy sounds that leave your mouth," Stan spoke demandingly. I moan from how hot Stan's dominance is. "That's right baby, if you try to hide your beautiful noises again you're gonna get punished," Stan leaned in "And I'll have no mercy on you," He said and lightly bit my ear making me gasp.

"St-stan I n-nn-need you," I beg. "Okay baby, I'll fuck you now," Stan said kissing me on the cheek. Stan took off his boxers and my eyes widened at how big he is. "H-holy shit y-you're huge," I spoke slightly nervous. He didn't respond he just smirked.

He rubbed his tip teasingly on my hole. "Please St-stan fuck me," I whined like a whore. Stan pushed his tip inside me. My face scrunched up in pain. Stan stopped so I could take a second to slightly adjust. "I can t-take more," I spoke softly.

Stan finally after a few slightly painful minutes was fully inside of me. "God, you're so fucking tight," Stan grunted. "Y-you can move," I said and Stan quickly slammed into me making me scream in pleasure.

Stan pounded into me like this is the last time he ever can. I gripped the bedsheets into my fist. I couldn't speak with how often moans were spilling out of my mouth. Stan pulled out all the way the slammed back in. "Fuck St-Stanley," I screamed louder than before.

Stan took my cock into his hand pumping me. He rubbed my tip spreading the precum that leaked out my cock. He tightened his grip and pumped harder. "St-Stan you're so good," I mumbled as tears, snot, and saliva leaked down my face by how roughly I was being fucked by Stan.

"You look fucking hot all fucked out like this," Stan groaned and slammed into me hard again. We made out messily as he thrusts harder and harder. "You're so warm and tight," Stan grunted.

"I-I'm gonna c-cum Stan," I whimpered. Stan started thrusting faster and harder. "I-I'm cumming," I moaned out as I came on his hand "You came quick," Stan chuckled. I blushed at his comment. "Can I s-suck you?" I asked grinning. "Of course baby," Stan smiled pulling out of me and we switched spots.

"Can you f-ff-fuck my face, St-Stan?" I asked wanting him to be rough with me. "How could I say no to that sexy face?" Stan spoke deeply and smirked. "Of course I'll fuck your face," Stan finished.

Stan grabbed me by my hair and lowered my head down onto his cock. "Fuck I love your mouth," Stan grunted. Stan guided my head on his cock "You're really good at this," Stan moaned. Stan slammed my head down on his cock making it go farther down my throat.

"Fuck I-I'm gonna cum," Stan groans. Stan pushes my head down and holds it there as his cum shoots into my mouth. I swallow the salty thick substance happily. "Holy shit Bill, we need to do that more often fuck," Stan pants.

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