~Untitled~ (S)

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Eddie's POV

It was about eight-ish o'clock when

Richie out of absolutely fucking nowhere says "Hey, I'm bored wanna play some strip poker?" Then he wiggles his eyebrows. "I think that is an amazing idea Rich." Bev giggled nudging me since I've had an enormous crush on Richie since the eighth grade.

We set up all the shit to play and then we got playing. About a half an hour later Richie

was down to his shorts and socks and I was down to just my boxers. You can see a prominent bulge in my boxers from sitting right next to a very sexy shirtless Richie.

Richie leans down and whispers in Eddie's ear "So your cock is hard? Is it 'cause I'm

shirtless? Is my little Eddie Spaghetti hard for me?" He starts palming me through my boxers making me unbelievably hard.

He starts sucking a small hickey onto my neck. "Let's go, upstairs baby. " Richie

whispered in my ear again. "Hey Bev, me and Eddie are gonna head upstairs," Richie told Bev. "Ok. You go get 'em, tiger," she said giggling.

Richie made me jump on him so that I was straddling him as he carried me up the stairs.

"Richie, oh god mmm," I moaned out as he sucked a hickey onto my sensitive neck.

Once we got into the room Richie threw me onto the bed. "Strip now!" Richie sexily growled. I obediently strip as he ordered me to. When I took off my boxers my tiny little twink cock sprung up.

"Aww look at how hard little Eddie's cock is," Richie seductively while running his thumb over the tip over my already leaking cock. I gasped at the new feeling of pleasure. "Wow I'm impressed, my little Eddie bear is already so turned on he's leaking pre-cum and we haven't even begun with the really fun stuff," Richie smirked

"Lay down princess, daddy wants to play with you," Richie spoke his voice rough and lust-filled. I did as I was told. I was so desperate, so very desperate.

"You're such an obedient little princess, such a good boy," Richie praised making me even more turned on, Richie takes notice of the fact that I like all his praising a little more than he thought I would. "You're kinkier than I thought..., I love it," Richie whispered the last part into my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

"T-touch me please," I begged desperately as my cock began to grow painfully hard. The lack of stroking was killing me. "Who do you want to touch you?" Richie asked just to tease me. "You, I want you to touch me," I spoke shyly. "Ok princess," Richie laughed.

He started to stroke my cock at a slow, but amazingly pleasure-filled pace. "Fu-ck Richie feels so good," I moaned out. I didn't realize what I said until Richie stopped stroking.

"That's not my name princess. What's my name baby?" Richie asked dominantly. "Daddy," I spoke softly and almost inaudible. "That's right baby, now you not calling me that is disobedient and naughty, isn't it?" Richie asked. I nodded not saying a word.

"Use your words baby," Richie growled. "Yes, it was disobedient and naughty of me not to call you daddy, I'm sorry," I spoke looking down at my feet since he made me sit up. "I should be punished for being  naughty and disobedient," I spoke and bit my lip.

"That was just what I was thinking," Richie whispered and then licked the outer part of my ear. "How shall I punish you?" Richie asks smirking. A deep shade of red spreads across my face. "Should I tie you up and not let you touch me or yourself, should overstimulate you, or should I just use you and let you cum? You choose baby,"

"Tie me up," I mumble quietly and Rich doesn't hear me. "What was that?" Richie asks grabbing me by my neck. "Tie me up daddy," I squeak. "Much better. Next time speak up," Richie growled spitting on my face.

Richie lays me on my stomach and ties my hands together to the bed frame tightly. "Aww such a pretty, kinky princess," Richie purrs into my ear. I smile at the praise. "Such a gorgeous princess," Richie whispers into my ear noticing the effect it had on me.

Feeling his hot breath of my neck sent chills down my spine. I whine getting needy and impatient. "Shut it you needy slut," Richie growled as he yanked on my hair causing a moan to erupt from my throat.

"Do you like daddy pulling on your hair princess?" Richie asked tightening his grip on my hair forcing another moan from me. "I'll take that as a yes," Richie chuckled deeply as he smirked cockily. "But I want an answer from you as well," He yanked my head back so I was staring into his eyes.

I nod staring into his eyes biting my lip. " A verbal answer," He barked as he smacked my face. "Yes daddy I love it," I yelped in surprise. He yanks my hair harder. "Fuck daddy again please," I whimpered as precum dripped from my neglected cock.

Richie rubbed the tip of his cock against my awaiting hole send chills through my whole body. "Is this what you want you, impatient needy cock-hungry whore?" Richie asked cockily as he pushed in his tip. I gripped the rope moaning. "Oh my god yes please give me more," I whined unintentionally sound like a pornstar.

"That's a good boy, finally learning some manners," Richie grunted in my ear slamming into me making me let out a pleasure-filled scream. "Please Richie let me touch you," I whine between my loud almost animalistic moans.

He slammed into me harder with more force as he dug his nails into my hips. My eyes rolled back from the amount of pleasure I was receiving. My thighs started to shake as I neared my release. He pulled out and untied my hands from the bed frame. However, he did keep my hands tied to each other.

"Up now," Richie demanded impatiently. I got up as he told me. He immediately pushed me to my knees. " Open that pretty little mouth of yours," He spoke seductively as he ran his thumb along my bottom lip.

I obediently open my mouth and instinctively stick my tongue out. "Since you've been so good I'll untie your hands." He said as he untied the restraints. He spits into my mouth. "Put your tongue back into your mouth," He spoke softly moving hair out of my face. I obey and out my tongue back into my mouth.

He started to jerk off over my face. "Go ahead and touch yourself, baby," He said as he quickened his strokes. I listened and began jerking off as well. "I bet you want me to paint that pretty face of yours with my cum, don't you? I bet you wanna be covered in daddy's cum, hmm?" Richie asked as a rhetorical question knowing that I would say yes in a heartbeat.

I threw my head back as I came on my hand. Richie followed soon after me cumming on my face. He licked some up and spit it into my mouth. He began to roughly kiss me and I could taste him on his tongue.

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