Drama Issues

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When I got there alot of students were separate from one and another, mostly chatting about what happened to Tem The Alpaca, but all of the herbivores were stuck together like glue.It was bad.

"(Y/N)!"Bill, the tiger, waves at me from the left side of the stage, now walking over to me "Do you know anything about the rumors going around?"

"Yeah, I feel bad about it...Tem was a nice guy."

Bill sighs, bending down to my eye level, then pats my head "He was indeed.I like your hair style by the way, who did it for you?"

"A dear friend of mine.."Your face was a little pink but it went away real quick.

Bill nods, then notices the Drama book in your arms, then he tilts his head, confuse ".....Is that yours?"

"Oh no it isn't!.." You say looking around, seeing no signs of Legoshi anywhere, before letting Bill see it "...A herbivore gives it to a friend of mine who isn't in the Drama Club, it's Legoshi's.Do you know where he is-?"

Suddenly a trunk picks me up from my waist, taking me far away from Bill, and I was set down in the group of herbivores.I soon found out it was Bell, the elephant, that picked me up.

"That was a close one!.." A wing was set on my shoulder, making me look over to see Cleo, the woodpecker, and her friend Danny, the rooster, by her side "...He could of killed you (Y/N), you gotta be careful-!"

"HEY!?WHY DID YOU SNATCH HER AWAY LIKE THAT?!.." Bill made his way over, clearly mad, but stop a few feet away from us "...She was just talking with me like all of you are-!"

Danny and Cleo got behind me and Bell, they were scared, before talking "You carnivores are pretending to be nice to us!.." Cleo stops and Danny continues, finishing it off "...And (Y/N) could of have been your next meal!"

"Guys, (Y/N) is an omivore-."

"You guys are pathetic..." Bill clutches his fist together, not letting his beast side come out, before grabbing my hand gently, pulling me away from them and behind him "....you blame us, but it could be one of your very own that did that.Not us, one of you!"

The herbivores of course looked very offend but Bill...he was right.Herbivores have a beast side to them, just like carnivores, and it would make sense if it was indeed a herbivore who done it.I read enough about late history murders and mysteries, he was not lieing at all.Bill was just stating a clear fact to them all, as clear and loud as possible for them to remember his very words.

"Come on, let's go."

I tighten my grip on his sleeve, like a lost child, before nodding "Okay!"

Once we got over to the carnivore side, Bill turns to me and gives me back the Drama book.I look up at him rather confuse.

"You don't know where Legoshi is do you Bill?"

He laughs, a soft smile on his face "Nope.He should be hear though-?"

Suddenly the doors open and in comes our Drama club president come in, Sanu the sea gull, notes in wings "Is everyone here?Gather around."

He didn't have to say that, everybody was was separated. Herbivore on the right and carnivores on the left, I took the carnivore side.

"Today is Wednesday.We don't normally rehearse on Wednesdays, but we're holding this special meeting of the drama club because there's an issue we need to address.." He walks in, still not noticing what is happening in from of him, and continues "...I guess everybody already knows...This morning Tem, one of our members, was found brutally...um.." Ah. He finally look up and noticed.

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