Sleep Drama

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Legoshi POV

"(Y/N) is so cute when she sleeps!"

"Oh my goodness, I wanna pinch her pink rosie cheeks sooo bad!"

"Legoshi-kun you are such a nice friend to (Y/N)-chan!"

Oh god, (Y/N) please wake up soon!I can't babysit you now, I need to fix the lights-!

"Hey Legoshi-...." I turn around in time to see Bill confuse and all "....Did (Y/N) die?"

I shook my head walking towards Bill,  him slightly towering me, then sigh exhaustively "...She had a rough day, I really can't-."

Suddenly I see two - herbivor - girls, glaring at me in slight anger, then smirk evily seeing (Y/N) on my back.Snuggling into shirt snoring softly. I didn't know why but, these girls here, make me think something bad happened...and (Y/N) must be included into this mess somehow.

"Katy?Sora?What do you guys want-?"

Bill was cut off as Sora - the squirrel - threw a beer bottle at his head.Shattering at the massive impact once hitting him square in the forhead...that's when I realized these two herbivores were underage drinking, in school property, the worst part was that I realized these two were (Y/N)'s dorm mates. Well shit. Katy - the otter - managed to jump into the air with her little claws out and before she could touch me or lay a single scratch on (Y/N) I made a mad bolt to Bill, helping him up, and went into the large group of carnivores.One thing is for sure, herbivores fear us carnivores.Just as I ran into the massive group of carnivores, two herbivores - an male rhino and male donkey - came in just when the two drunk herbivores began to slur words full of insults at the large varieties of carnivores..Most of them were manly aimed at (Y/N).But why?What did she even do?

"Oh (Y/N)!~Wake up so I can kick your-!!!~"

"Alright that's enough!" Sanu was furious before placing - correction, slapped - sticky notes on their forheads, then he open the doors for the exit "...You two out of here, this instant. Ruko, Blake, take them to the principle office immediately!Go on, get to it!"

Soon the two herbivore males drag the drunk girls out, them still slurring words of limitless profanities.But now, after seeing how Sanu act, I kinda fear him now...



Sanu rubs his beak, trying to calm down "Please explain why (Y/N) is being targeted by those two girls.." He looks up, hearing you mumble a unknown word of sorts, then tilt his head at me "....and why is she asleep?She is usually all hyper and jumpy when in Drama club."

God dammit.I want to wake her up but I-!

"I seen those girls as (Y/N)'s dorm mates Sanu, they never said anything nice or good to her.I witnessed it with my own eyes!I will always see her being the outcast - No offence for what I am about to say - black sheep in lunch or basically everyday in the cafeteria one even lets her sit by them instead of me with my group..." Bill, your an asshole, but such a kind and the good in justice for anyone.Thank god he spoke up.

Sanu hums, feeling quite sad by this unknown news, then looks at me seriously "...Legoshi, when she wakes up I want you to help her pack her things and - as long as she has my permission - can move in with you-."

"WHAAATTT?!?!?!!?" All the animals were shouting out now.

"No!She can't go to there dorm she will get hurt!"

"They may kill her!"

"She will be moving in with a full house of boys, isn't that breaking a rule???"

"She can't defend herself-!"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Sanu yells, making me jump slightly, then he continues "As long as I report this to the principle I will ask for his blessing for her to move in with Legoshi. You already see him taking care of her before, no harm is being done-!"

"Not done yet Sanu!Predators are evil-!"

"Evil?"Bill growls, pushing his way in front of me, his back is all I could see "The real predators are you herbivores who seek to feed on venom and lies unlike us carnivores who only seek for the remedy and truth! And stop saying she is in harms way, (Y/N) has always been more as a friend, family I should say, to us then all of you combined!If Sanu says this should happen Let.It.Happen!"

I smile, glancing at your sleeping form, then to the herbivores "Bill is right.Sanu?"

"Yes Legoshi?"

"May I go place her down on something, she is tuckered out-."

"Place her in my office, it has a blanket and everything she would need..." I look up in time to see a tall red deer, his posture was poised with perfection, as he made his way in, passing me "...I have a meeting with the new replacement anyway, come on.Follow me."

And as much as Legoshi stood there, watching the red intimidating deer walk pass him slowly but swiftly like the wind, he then follows him.This deer was no ordinary red deer, this was the 3rd year Drama club office AND the main star and actor of the Adler play.Louis.

But as Legoshi walks after Louis, Sanu made his way to the telephone, the ringing starts then a women spoke.

"Hello, this is Cherryton Academy Main Office what can I help you with?"

"Yeah hi Mrs.Burns it's me Sanu-."

"Sanu!~What happened this time?"

Sanu played with the telephone wire, looking down at his feet "...Nothing much, but can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes,yes of course!What is is Sanu?"

"I need some help contacting a parent..." Sanu soon pulls out his notepad and red ink pen, getting it ready "...(Y/N)'s parent to be exact."

Mrs.Burns gasps in shock "(Y-Y/N)? You mean that sweet little human girl who always gets all of the teachers and chancellors her famous pastries and homemade refresher?"

Now Sanu, he didn't know that (Y/N) did - or was even able to - cook or make things.But it sounds like she had the time to make some put others frist before he wants to get some of that too, maybe after this and when she wakes up he could ask.She is a nice young lady after all.No peer pressure needed.

"Yes Mrs.Burns, it's her."

"But she is a sweet heart!Why is she in trouble Sanu??!"

"She didn't.Two herbivore girls - Katy and Sora, (Y/N)'s dorm mates - came into Drama club trying to attack her while they were drunk off of alcohol..tons of it.."

Sanu could hear Mrs.Burns growl lowly, telling she was irritated at the news "Who is sending them here?I just sent a message to the principle."

"Ruko and Blake."

"Ah!Those two boys again?They never seek to amaze me..." Mrs.Burns typed until she found what Sanu is looking for "...Sanu, I found all the family members phone numbers...which one do you perfer?"

Sanu opens his pen, reading to write "All of them."

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