Chapter 8: "Lin's Boyfriend"

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"Ugh! Finally! It's Saturday," I groaned as I dragged myself off bed. I ate my tenderloin steak and went back to my room to check my mail. Hopefully that'll get my mind off things.

If I had been expecting that the day would be relaxing, I had been totally wrong.

--- Inbox(1/14570) From: To:

Subject: Lin baby.

Hey been thinking bout u lately, specially after the kiss. I know u loved it, too. It shows, really. Don't worry. I won't be shocked if u found urself falling for me, all my leading ladies do. But ur the only one who has the "effect" everyone talks about. So how about we go out 2night? I mean, if ur free. And if ur not, I know you'll make a way to meet me anyway. So yeah, that's probably it.

Tony Larkin, (yes, the Tony Larkin; the teen hit. no, i ain't joking.)


Tony Larkin. I hated his guts, as Lin and Addie.

Just as I finished reading, his name popped out in the IM-window. To my luck, he had noticed I was online.

youknowImhawt: Hey cutie

you: leave me alone.

youknowImhawt: No, can't do.

you: what does a girl have to do to get some actual peace?

youknowImhawt: Yeah, iv already given u a piece of the most famous teen star, what more do u want?

you: i never wanted another jerk's attention. clearly, you’re only after publicity. i don't want anything to do with you.

youknowImhawt: Iv already told the press that we’re going out, might as well go with it.

you: jerk.

And with that I booted down the computer left with only another problem. Sigh. Now I have to add this to the pile of gunk that is my life at the moment. I can imagine the tabloids just leeching off this story. Thankfully, my problem comes an instant solution. I stood up and snatched my telephone.

"Hello. Ramos’ residence. This is Trina speaking. How may I help you?" Trina said on the other line.

"Uh. Trina, is Ed around?"

"Wait a second," she said before she screamed Ed's name at the top of her lungs.

"He'll be with you shortly," she said before Ed snatched the phone from his sister.

"Addie?" he spoke into the reciever with an almost audible hopefuleness in his tone of voice.

"Cafe Blues at one." I said instantly dropping the phone. My inner Lin felt fulfilled, so sure he'd come after I left him hanging. But I couldn't help feeling a bit guilty.

I looked at the wall clock; 12:26, way too early. So I sat down on the couch and watched a chick flick. I hadn't realized how fast time flew by. The next thing I knew it was already 1:58 So I quickly put on a floral tank-top a denim mini-skirt and a pair of Prada stilettos of the same hue with the flowers on my top.

"Cafe Blues, please." I ordered Sylvester, my personal-butler, driver, and all around-help who was most useful around Lin. Just as I arrived, I saw Ed walking out of the cafe. He had a scowl on his face, understandably. "Eddie!" I shouted as I ran to him to try and catch his attention. He turned around to see who was calling him. He stood there star struck. And I had to smile at that, the look on his face was glorious. "Lin?" he asked with eyes wide open when he finally found his voice, "Wuh-where's Addie?"

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