Chapter 12: "Another Lie"

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My life's getting messier by the minute. I quickly changed into the Addie clothes I had been wearing that afternoon and sprinted my way to school. I had the inkling that there was something I forgot, but I couldn't quite put a finger on what it was. But it didn't matter, I didn't really have the time to ponder on that. Ed's out there searching his head off. As soon as I reached school, (and thankfully the janitor bought my story that I left my school work and desperately had to finish it tonight) I made things look like I was there for the whole evening. I took out my sketch pad and looked at the dimly lit playground. I immersed myself into sketching.

"Addie?" called out a voice. I turned around to see Ralph crouching down, "what are you doing here at this time of the night?"

"Long story," I sighed.

"I've got time," he sympathized as he sat beside me. "Something bothering you?"

"I... I can't tell you." I shook my head.

"Okay. Then, I'll just have to respect that," he said giving me a peck on the cheek, "do you need anything?"

"Thank you," I said in true gratitude, relieved he let it go. "Some spaghetti would do," I said, forcing out a smile, "I haven't had my dinner."

"If that would buy me your forgiveness for my insecurity this afternoon, then up you go!" he pulled me off my feet and we rode off in his pick-up truck and drove out to McDonald's.

I sat down at the table right at the corner of the store as Ralph went to the counter to place our order. He came back with a tray containing large fries, a McSpaghetti, a BigMac, two regular cokes and for dessert, a McFlurry and a Choco-Fudge Sundae.

He slid on the seat in front of me and set the food down. I flashed him a big smile, my own thank you for the treat. "Hold on," I began as I took two pieces of fries and dipped them into my Sundae before I stuffed them in my mouth. Ralph looked at me like I was crazy for doing that but held out for what I was about to say next. "What were you doing in school so late?"

"Oh that." Ralph pursed his lips, "Well I--" he began before he was cut off when Eddie suddenly walked up next to us.

"Addie," his voice quivered slightly as he picked me up from my seat and hugged me tightly, "I was super worried about you." I glanced at Ralph's expression, and he didn't seem to like the show.

"I'm in the middle of something here Ed. There's no need to worry. I'm being taken care of by someone who happens to prioritize me over all the fuss in the world," I said pulling back, "Now, if you don't mind-- I have dinner to finish. With my boyfriend."

Eddie looked at me, gave a small nod and then stepped away. I could practically see his heart being shattered as he walked out. He was probably worried to death but the treatment I gave him was just cruel. I shoved back my guilt. I sat back down and forced a smile at Ralph. "I'm sorry about that."

"Not really your fault is it?" he said grabbing my hand from across the table.

Beep! my phone went off. I took my hand from his grip to check my phone.

"Ugh," Ralph complained, "can't a guy get some peace while eating dinner with his girlfriend?"

"It's Ed," I said.

"He just wrecks each moment that I get to be with you," he scoffed.

"Could I just have this minute? I just want to read his text then I'm going to turn off my phone, I promise," I said. I didn't wait for his approval; I read Ed's text before he could even say a word.

I'm sorry for ruining ur night. I didnt know u were busy. U must b wondering y I was so worried, y wouldnt I be? I just came from ur place & I was kinda worried wen I found out that u were still out. Well, have fun w/ d  rest of ur night. Btw, mahal pa rin kita.

I didn't know enough Filipino to know what the last statement meant and as curious as I was, a promise was a promise. So when I did finish reading, I looked up at Ralph and slid my phone to his hands. "You turn it off."

"I trust you," he said shoving it back into my hand. I smiled at him. I stood up from my seat and sat next to him. "You should stop that," I mumbled almost inaudibly as I laid my head gently on his shoulders, "you're making me fall for you." I tried not to shudder at the words, another set of words that weren't at all true.

"Is that a bad thing?" he quietly replied, putting an arm around me. I kept silent, but I willed my lips to curl into a smile. I looked up at him and it just so happened he was leaning in too close. His lips brushed on mine. But I felt statuesque, cold and monumental.

I pulled back and tried to put out a shy smile, "I guess not." There was a moment of silence as I was in a swirl of deep thought. I let out a small laugh.

"What?" Ralph asked, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, nothing," I smiled as I straightened up, "would you mind if I ask you something?"

"Technically, you're already asking. But I'm giving you a chance to ask me one more," he nodded, with a small chuckle. 

I laughed lightly at that. There was a reason I used to be head over heels for this boy, and well he was yet to prove  "I've been wondering. What is it in me that you see? I mean, why do you love me?" I said as I leaned across the table for a closer view at his reaction.

"Why do I love you?" his smile disappeared from his face as he looked at me carefully, almost as if he were considering me for the first time. "I... I don't know really, you don't have to be pretty, smart, tall, rich, creative, or fun. You just need to be who you are. I honestly don't think I need a reason to love you. 'Cause love just happens, you know?"

"I just so happen to know," I nodded. That was exactly how I felt. Not with Ralph, though.

"It just so happens you're all those at the same time, which is a big bonus for me. And you're not high maintenance girl, and I really do appreciate that about you." He chuckled, placing a soft kiss on my temple. "Nice bracelet, by the way" he said suddenly, playing with it between his fingers "but I don't think it's your style." I bit my lower lip, trying not to let my panic show. Shoot. That's what I forgot. I forgot to take off Lin's bracelet.

"Oh, you think so?" I played it off, looking at it as if I only considered it because he mentioned it, "It's not mine any way. Might as well get rid of it" I said, quickly snatching the bracelet off my wrist and sinking it into my backpack. I just hope Ed didn't notice. We were the last people left, except for some strange looking middle age guy staring blankly outside the window, and the staff who were half-way through their nightly clean-up. So we set for home.

"I had a wonderful time," I said to Ralph giving him a peck on the cheek. For the most unusual thought; I didn't feel anything at all that night with Ralph. I felt nothing but the tingly feeling much like Adrenaline when Ed took me in his arms when he found me. That's when I realized, my boyfriend was just another one of my lies.

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