Chapter 2

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Honey >>>

* Kyler *

" I'm just going to Honey's house " I lied pecking Chris on his lips over and over again .

" Alright . Wouldn't you rather just stay here and let me go deep inside you " He pouted .

" Just wait until our honeymoon " I said kissing his neck .

" Then stop turning me on " He said pushing me off .

I giggled " Bye baby . I'm gonna miss you " I said .

" Get the fuck outta here " I mugged him and slammed the door behind him .

I hated lying to him , but I was just trying to help . I've been sneaking behind Chris' back helping Lytrell with her pregnancy . Taking her to appointments , buying her a few baby gifts . I hope this doesn't backfire on me .

I unlocked her door with an extra key she gave me . " I was just about to call you " She smiled approaching me near the door .

" True well let's go before you be late " I said walking back out seeing that she was already ready .

She got in the passenger seat and scooted her seat back since her stomach won't fit .

We arrived at the hospital and I led the way inside . We signed and waited to be called back .

" I'm nervous " Lytrell blurted out .

" Why ? You've had over 20 appointments already . What's there to be nervous about ? " I asked . My first couple of appointments with Kameron made me nervous but eventually it was just a stroll in the park .

" I don't know . I just .... For some reason , I have this strange feeling that something's gonna go wrong with this appointment like I'm gonna get some bad news or something " She explained fiddling with her fingers .

" Everything's gonna be okay , just like the past appointments you've already had " I giggled .

I was eager when they had called us up because me and Chris still have to design our wedding . Lately , I've been a major procrastinator . The only things we've designed is our flowers , our welcome cards , our silver and glass ware , music playlist , where's it's at , well I guess it's not that bad but still .

" Alright you know the drill " The doctor said and Lytrell laid back and he rubbed cold gel on her stomach .

" Wow " The doctor said looking at the monitor .

" What ? what's wrong ? " Lytrell panicked .

" Umm the baby is breech " He said

" What the hell does that
mean ? " Lytrell asked .

" It means the baby comes out feet first when it needs to come out head first " I explained because Kameron almost came out breech but switched his position .

" So what's so bad about coming out feet first ? " She asked .

" 95% of the time the umbilical cord wraps around the baby's neck and we can't get the baby out in enough time before it suffocates " He explained .

Lytrell gasped " So how do we fix this ? or avoid this ? "

" We must perform a c-section to ensure the baby will be safe " He said .

" Yeah I'll do that " The doctor wrote down a few things .

" Alright . You're free to go . Hopefully the baby will change its position before the next time I see you " He said wiping the gel off and leaving .

" Told you " Lytrell said rubbing her fingers through her hair and walking past me .

I shrugged and followed her to the car . I dropped her off then drove to Honey's house .

" Im irritated " I said plopping down on her couch

" What's wrong ? " She asked eating Doritos . I stole one from her and began eating .

" Lytrell pissed me off . She thought something bad was gonna happen and I told her it'll be okay so after the appointment we found out that she had to have a c section so afterwards she gon brush past me and have an attitude . Like bitch no , don't bite the hand that feeds you . I provided her every last piece of baby shit she has . The only shit she bought was the fucking pacifier which was 2 dollars - "

She cut my ranting off " Girrrl calm down , you act like she slapped you and killed yo mama . You know how pregnant women get " She said and I sighed realizing that she was right .

" Oh and speaking of Chris , I wouldn't go home if I were you " Honey said .

" Why ? " I furrowed my eyebrows .

" He came by to chill with us cause I guess you told him you'd be at my house and when he saw you weren't here he started assuming shit so he stormed off all mad " She explained .

" Fuck ! " I knew this wouldn't continue for long . I sighed .

" I'll call you later " i said grabbing my purse and leaving .

I am not prepared to feel Chris' wrath .

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