Chapter 27

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Honey , Kyler , Kyla 😍 >>>>

( In order from left to right )

Honey and Kyler really do look alike .

* Kyler *

" Hey Jessie . I was just wondering , starting next week Monday do you think you can start booking me for modeling gigs again ? Give me a call back when you get this .
Bye " I left her a voicemail since she didn't answer her phone .

" Man I should have taken a nude picture while I was pregnant for modeling " Iggy said .

" Girl now you know damn well that's black women that only do that " Honey said .

I laughed at her comment as Iggy gave her the middle finger . I guess we were being too loud because Kay woke up .

" Aww . I love new borns " I said taking her from Iggy .

" When you gonna get you one ? " Honey asked .

" I already answered this . When you get a boy " I replied . " But there is something I need to tell you guys "

" What is it ?"

" So lately me and Chris are trying to get me pregnant . But I never do . I told him I'd give him another baby but I just never end up pregnant . We've gone rounds and still I have not gone pregnant . He doesn't know why though " I explained .

" Damn maybe you're not fertile anymore . Did you ever think about going to the clinic to get you guys checked out ? "

" No there's no need to because I already know what's keeping me from getting pregnant " I said nervously .

" What is it ? "

" I got my tubes tied " I said .

" Kyler ..... "

" What the fuck ? "

" Look it's not permanent , I just don't want a child right now . I'm tryna figure out how to get a steady income after quitting my old job and really settling down . I have producers and labels and agents all hitting my phone at once . Taking care of any more children cannot fit into my agenda " I explained .

" I understand that but you can't fool Chris into thinking there's something wrong with him or you . You need to sit down and explain to him what you just explained to us "

" See that's what everyone tells everyone to do . Everyone thinks that sitting down and talking to someone is automatically gonna make them understand . If I sat down in front of your face and told you I was fucking your man because I was desperate , I know for damn sure you wouldn't fucking understand . Chris never understands . Chris is stubborn . If I explain shit to him the only thing he'll get from my explanation is I tied my tubes , other than that he's gonna stop listening to the reasons and why I did what I did . I'm lying for the sake of our feelings "

" No you're not , you're lying for the sake of your feelings . Chris will be livid when he finds out you tied your tubes behind his back then lied straight to his face over and over again "

" Look no one's saying just sitting down and talking to someone will make it all better . There's other methods and other strategies but telling the truth will always be better " Iggy explained .

" I'm sleepy " I lied " I'm going home " I grabbed my keys and left since my mom had the boys today .

* Chris *

" Why you doing this ? " She asked between kisses .

" Cause ya pussy tight as shit " I wish she would shut the hell up .

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