Chapter 15

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[ 2 Months Later ]

* Kyler *

It had been months since me and Chris have spoken . We were acting like teenagers but my pride was too strong for me to go over there and apologize .

Besides , why would I apologize for being hurt by him ?

I had been crying ever since I checked into this hotel . The boys don't know anything specific . They just know that their mommy is sad and crying and they haven't seen their daddy for a while .

I mean damn I know you might be pissed at me but your kids are more important . You could've at least sent someone I knew to come pick them up .

Someone knocked on the door and I wiped my eyes .

I opened the door and there stood Ashley .

" Hi . Chris sent me to come get the kids " Ashley smiled .

" Bitch get the fuck out of here " I said and slammed the door in her face .

Before I could completely walk away she knocked again .

When I opened the door , I was greeted with a phone in my face .

" See " She said and showed me the messages between her and Chris . He said to pick up Kameron and King and bring them to his house .

I laughed and smacked that shit out my face .

" I don't want or need your proof . Bitch I don't care if jesus fucking christ sent you . I don't want you near my kids " I said and slammed the door in her face again .

If Chris wanted his kids he can come get them himself and stop being a childish 26 year old man . Punk ass nigga .

" dada ? " King asked running to towards the door but fell on his face .

I picked him up " No daddy's not here today "

" Whyyyy ? " He whined as I placed him on top of the counter .

" Cause da don't love us no more " Kameron said standing next to me .

" Hey ! Don't say that . Your daddy loves you . He's just going through some things " I said to the both of them .

Something needed to change fast . If his children grew to dislike him , then he would be in some deep shit .

I got a text message .

Drop the kids off at Honey's house . Meet me outside of Starbucks . In 15 Minutes - Chris

I rolled my eyes and quickly got the kids dressed . I drove them to Honey's place .

I drove to Starbucks and sat outside . One of the employees put the umbrella up for me . I sighed .

I'm about to leave . As soon as I was about to grab my purse and leave but Chris showed up .

I sat my phone down on the table .

" So what days do I get them ? " He asked sitting all the way back in his chair .

" Weekends "

" Naah . We not doing that shit like in the stories and in the movies . Just cause you the mama don't mean you can have them more . We splitting this equally down the line . I have them from Sunday to 12 o'clock PM on Wednesday and you have them for the rest of that day all the way to Saturday . Simple " He demanded .

" No dumb ass it's not simple . I didn't just say you have them on the weekend to be selfish , I was thinking about our kids . For 1 , I can't pick them up at noon on Wednesday because I have a god damn job . Speaking of jobs , you can't even take them on the weekdays cause you go to the studio . Most of the time , when I wake up in the morning , you're gone . How is Kameron gonna go to school and where King gonna go . And no we're not dropping our kids off at our friend's house . They have their own issues and problems to sort through and their own kids to raise . They're not some babysitter . So as I said before you have them on the weekends and I have them on the weekdays . You can always pop in and bring them somewhere " I explained .

" Fine . That's cool " He said smiling at his phone .

" What ? So you too busy talking to your hoes you can't even pay attention to your wife . Funny . All niggas ask for a wifey , get one , then still fuck around " I shook my head .

" You ain't be acting like a wife " He blurted out .

My neck shot back and my eyebrows furrowed . " Let me explain something to your Christopher " I'm about to go in " How am I not acting like a wife ? Was I the one that lied to you for 10 years . Was I the one that deceived you all these years ? No I don't think so . And also , Chris this isn't a high school breakup like 8 years ago where me break up every day , find someone else then get back together . We are married . Meaning if we're going through something or not you're mine , and only mine . If you wanna text or fuck with hoes please let me know now cause I will go get some divorce papers . Stop being a childish 26 year old man and hold your wife and your family down " I said grabbing my purse .

" What is this truth I keep needing to find out about anyway ? " I asked .

" Simone isn't my biological daughter . We're just so close . Ashley got knocked up by someone else and I offered to be there . I promised her I would be that child's father forever and Simone really believes I'm her father " He explained .

I plopped down in my chair in shock " You're kidding me right ? " I asked and he shook his head .

I threw my drink in his face
" 2 months . For 2 fucking months you had me believe she was your real daughter . For 2 months you've missed out on your children's life and had them crying for you every night . For 2 months you had me crying and missing you . Why didn't you just tell me that day in the hospital ? Why Chris ? " I said wiping my tears . I've been so stressed lately .

I am so bipolar . I just threw a drink in his face and now I'm here helping him wipe it off .

" I love you " He said gripping my waist .

" I love your lying ass too " I said and rolled my eyes
" Sadly "

" I'll be by tomorrow to pack your stuff " He said .

" Who said I wanted to come back ? " I asked .

" I did " He said and got in his car .

God that man gives me headaches .

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