Chapter Eight

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Okay this is a New Chapter!


Ron and Harry had very different detentions. Ron had to clean the trophy's in the trophy room by hand and Harry was assigned to help Lockhart with, something. Ron finished by the time dinner came around. Honestly nothing could come between that boy and food. But Harry wasn't so lucky because I didn't see him all of dinner.

Hermione suggested that we leave dinner a little early to look for Harry. Took Ron a minute after stuffing his face before he agreed to come with us.

Walking down the deserted corridor, an unnerving shiver goes down my spine. I hear a voice whispering to far for me to understand exactly what it was saying. The others didn't seem as bothered by the creepy whispering.

The Hermione picks up her pace, "Harry!" she calls out, gaining his attention, having Ron and I follow behind her.

Harry looks at us a bit frazzled. "Did you hear it?" he asks us, causing my eyes to widen.

Ron looks at him confused "Hear what?" he questions.

Harry looks at all of us, "That... voice." he poorly explains.

Hermione also gives him a confused look, "Voice? What voice?" she also questions. Did they truly not hear the whispering while we were walking?

Harry's eyes darting around the corridor, "I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again, jus-" Harry stops explaining, still looking around.

This time I hear the creepy whisper, louder and clearer "Kill... Time to kill..." it says, I hold my breath in fear, expecting something to appear in front of ready to kill us. Harry stiffens obviously hearing that voice, Hermione and Ron study him curiously not even noticing my fear.

"It's moving. I think it's going to... kill." Harry explains as he looks at a wall. Harry then runs off in the direction the voice went. Hermione and Ron exchange a glance, and take steps to follow him, but Ron stops when he sees I wasn't following.

"Rose? Well come on, you're brother hearing things and may need our help." He tries to convince me.

I look at him, and finally breath, "But I heard it too. And I'm afraid." I admit to him.

A flash of recognition covers his face, "Being afraid is fine, but you wont be alone. Now come on, the others may need us, and my wands useless." Ron tries to lighten the situation.

I move to follow him, knowing that being afraid and doing nothing isn't worth someones life. We catch up with Hermione and Harry the way the scary killing voice went. We catch up with Hermione but not Harry, seeing as he was hopping down the steps 3 at a time. We see him stop at some archways.

We come up behind him, huffing, attempting to catch our breaths. "Harry, what are you doing?" Ron asks once he caught his breath. Harry then points. We look to the wall, and see words shimmering on the wall.


"'The Chamber of Secrets has been opened...?'" Hermione questions as she reads the writing.

"What's that? Hanging underneath?" Ron asks, squinting.

"That's Filch's cat. Mrs. Norris." Harry tells the ginger.

The cat was hangs stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, her eyes were open and had a blank stare. Harry looks away from the wall towards the window, causing us to look over as well only to see small spiders crawling out the window.

Rose Lily Evans (H.P. FanFic) 1Where stories live. Discover now