Chapter Fourteen

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I open my eyes, not recognizing where I was. I sit up slowly, look around to the unfamiliar surroundings and spot Ginny and Harry. Ginny seemed to be crying. "Where are we?" I ask them gaining their attention.

"The chamber of secrets. You two need to get out of here. Follow that chamber. You'll find Ron."  Harry tells us. I move closer to them, very confused on why we were here.

A phoenix flies in and goes to Harry, bowing its head on Harry's arm. "You were brilliant, Fawkes. I just... wasn't quick enough." Harry tells Fawkes. I look at his arm and see a wound. My eyes widen when I see Fawkes cry on his wound, and it heals. "Of course. Dumbledore told me. Phoenix tears have healing powers." Harry says, seeing the wound disappears.

Harry looks over at us, "It's all right, Ginny. It's over, Rose. It's just a memory..." Harry tells us, looking relieved.

Harry leads us out the way he came in. We come across a slightly blocked part with rubble, some more rocks shift to reveal Ron. "Ginny! Rose!" he says excitedly, coming to us through the whole he had made. He rushes to his sister, quickly hugging her. "You two are alive! I can't believe it." he says once he lets go of her.

"I'm going to be expelled, I just know it!" Ginny says anxiously.

Ron looks over at us, "Remind you of anyone?" he says, referring to Hermione.

"Where's Lockhart?" Harry questions then looks past Ron to see Lockhart, sitting on the floor, just humming to himself.

"His Memory Charm backfired. Hasn't got a clue who he is. I keep having to stop him wandering off. He's a danger to himself." Ron tells us, rather annoyed at Lockhart.

He looks up as all of us were just staring at him, "Hello. Odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?" he asks, looking to Ron.

Ron rolls his eyes, "No." he says plainly , before turning back to look at us, giving us an raised eyebrow. I look to Harry to see him looking up, I look as well to see Fawkes flying about, and past him, much higher up seems to be an exit. Fawkes comes back down to us after going all the way to the top.

"What's with the bird?" Ron questions, staring at the phoenix confused.

"I think... I think he's telling me he can take us out of here." Harry says, look at Fawkes.

After a few moments of discussing how Fawkes could take all of us out, were were all holding hands as Fawkes glides us up and out.

Not much later after we got out, were we in Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore himself was sat at his desk, examining the charred book that Harry had brought with him. "Ingenious. Simply... ingenious." he says, regarding the book. He looks up, towards Harry and Ron, while Ginny and I stood off to the side. "Of course, Tom Riddle was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. I taught him myself fifty years ago. After he left, I would occasionally hear stories of his activities -- dark rumors -- but after awhile, even the rumors stopped. When he finally resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, most people had completely forgotten the clever Head Boy he'd once been." Dumbledore reveals.

Ginny takes a step forward, "I didn't know whose diary it was, sir. I swear. I found it inside my cauldron." she begins shakily, before looking around at the rest of us, "The day we all went to Diagon Alley." she informs us. She looks back at Dumbledore, then looks down, "But I understand if... given all the trouble I've caused... if you -- " Ginny begins to ramble nervously.

"Wiser wizards than you have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort, Miss Weasley. No, I think you and Rose endured enough. I would suggest a bit of bed rest to the both of you, however. And perhaps a large mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up. Minerva, will you show Arthur and Molly up to the hospital wing? And inform Severus if he hasn't been already." Dumbledore suggests.

McGonagall nods, "Certainly Albus." she says, guiding Ginny and I out of the room. 

Stepping out of the Office we were met with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who both looked awfully worried. "A diary that writes back to you! Honestly, Ginny! What were you thinking? Haven't I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain!" Mrs. Weasley scolds her daughter as the 5 of us begin our trek to the Infirmary.

"Sorry Mum." Ginny says meekly.

"Are you alright dear?" Mr. Weasley asks me kindly.

I nod, "Yes, doing better now, a bit less shaken up." I tell him, giving him a small smile, one that he returns.

We enter to the Infirmary were Madam Pomfrey had Ginny and I lay on beds, giving us both an quick examination. "You both seem to be fine, only a few bumps and bruises. Nothing rest and time can't heal." she tells us and the Weasleys.


I hadn't realize I had fallen asleep until I heard voices, not being able to make out what they were saying. My eyes open to see Uncle Sev and Mr. Malfoy along with Madam Pomfrey standing near the foot of my bed.

"Well, now she's awake." Madam Pomfrey tells the two, sounding a bit annoyed before walking away from us. 

"How are you feeling?" Uncle Sev asks, stepping up to my side, while Mr. Malfoy stays by the end.

"Better." I say, sitting up.

"Do you remember anything?" Mr. Malfoy asks.

"Now is not the time Lucius." Uncle Sev snaps at him with a glare.

Mr. Malfoy only raises an eyebrow, "Yes, of course how insensitive of me." he says, not sounding sincere at all.

"It's alright, I don't remember much right now. Ginny remembered more then I did, she helped filled in the blanks." I explain to them.

"That's good. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Oh, and here this is from Narcissa." he says, handing me a small box, "She apologies for missing Christmas." was all he said before leaving.

I look at the box for a second, and decide to open it later. "Do you truly not remember?" Uncle Sev asks me.

I look back to him, "No. I think that's good though. I'd probably be a lot more shaken up then I am." I tell him, to which he nods in understanding.

"I'll leave you to rest then." He says to me, walking away and leaving the room.

I wait a bit, looking back down at the box before deciding to open it now. Inside was what I expected, another charm to add to the bracelet. This one was in the shape of an owl. It was simple, but I needed simple.

To much had happened, and simple felt good. I hope next year is a bit more simpler. 

I sigh, closing my eyes. One can hope, but faint blurry memories flash in my head. The only thing I remember clearly, is the boy, Tom Riddle, and the evil that was in his eyes.

1206 words!

That is the End of this Book! As this chapter goes up I'll have posted the first part of the next book up on my Page!

Rose Lily Potter

I'm really proud of what I've been able to write for this series. And I'm excited for you to read what comes next!




Lots of luv ~ snowflake

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