Chapter 18

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I'm suddenly woken up by Harry, "Wake up, Wake up, Wake up Rose!!" Harry kept saying while shaking me.

"I'm up, I'm up!!..... What is it?" I ask a bit groggily. It's still dark, meaning it really late or really early, one of the two.

"Good.... Wait here while I get Ron." Harry says and runs up the stairs. I groan and fall back into the couch, not wanting to get up at this time of night. I close my eyes as I hear a distant conversation.

I'm being shaken awake again. "Come on Rose, wake up!!" Harry says.

I groan and sit back up. "Okay.. Fine. What is it."

"You two have to see what i found come on." Harry says, grab both Ron and I, and dragging us both out of the common room.


Harry lead Ron and I into this room. There is just a big mirror in the whole room. Harry runs up to the Mirror. "come on. Come. Come look, it's my parents!" Harry says excitedly.

Ron walks up to the mirror with Harry, I stand back, unsure of what he meant. "I only see me" Ron tells Harry.

Harry moves over. "Look in properly. Go on. Stand there. There. You see them, don't you? Thats my dad-" Harry starts to say excitedly before Ron cuts him off.

"That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron exclaims shocked.

"How can it? Both my parents are dead." Harry smiles sadly, as he says that.

"Can I have a look?" I ask the boys, slowly walking up to it. They both nod, and move so i can stand in front of the mirror.

I look into the mirror, for a minute i only saw my reflection. Then it changes. I see me, Draco, Harry and Fred. Then the image changes again, and I'm standing in front of Uncle Sev. He gives me small smile. Behind him, in the distance of the reflection. I see two people. I can't make out much of their features. But one is a woman and the other a man. The woman has red hair like me, and the man has messy short dark hair. They also give me a sad smile.

I give them all a confused look. Then looked behind me to see Harry and Ron just looking at me. i looked forward again and see a different image, just me holding someone's hand. But I couldn't tell who's hand it was. I took a step back from the mirror and it just gave me my normal reflection.

I'm so confused.

Kinda short. Sorry it's been awhile.
Hope you enjoy this. She's 11 she's not sure what she wants, that's why the mirror kept changing.
Tell me what you think.
Lots of luv ~ snowflake

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