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it was a gloomy day when school had ended. jaehee waited infront of san and yunho's locker because she didn't want to go home alone after that hyun incident.

her uncle also gave her a few days off so she wanted to spend her time with the two idiots because they always helped get some things off her mind.

while her back was leaning against san's locker, her phone suddenly vibrated. immediately, jaehee checked her phone.


hey jaejae, im sorry we kinda
got detention 👉👈

wtf?? how??

we'll explaiN lATER,, the tchR
is abt to coLLect out pHOnes
YOU OK?????

jaehee let out a long sigh, placing herself back onto her feet. guess today wasnt going to be a good day after all. before she could completely walk out of the school building, it started raining heavily.

she went back inside the building and hugged herself to keep herself warm. she turned around to look at the hallway and she saw hyun making his way towards the exit which was where she stood but he wasnt looking at her. he seemed a bit occupied by his thoughts but this didnt stop jaehee.

jaehee instantly started panicking inside. the blood in her veins froze once she looked at him. her hands that was once wrapped around her for warmth was not effective anymore. she wasnt shivering because of the cold but because of hyun.

"ok lets run.." she said to herself as rain started to pour more heavily than before. she had decided that she would just have to make a run for it.

"1..2..3—" before she could even leave the building, a hand tugged her arm to prevent her from running into the rain. she felt scared and had the need to faint. she closed her eyes, not wanting to see the pairs of eyes that she was forever scared of.

"h-hey, are you alright?" an all too familiar soothing voice asked jaehee with concern present in his voice. jaehee opened her eyes slowly, seeing seonghwa close to her face.

you bet she started turning red. aside from that, she felt relieved and happy that it wasnt hyun who had approached her. the visible smile plastered on her face made seonghwa smile without realising. he just found it too cute.

"its raining quite heavily, w-would you like to walk with me?" seonghwa asked, showing her that he had brought an umbrella. she nodded and stood by his side. he opened the umbrella and they started walking.

their walk had a quite comfortable atmosphere surrounding them. at first, they were all silent but seonghwa built up the courage to try start a conversation with her and it clearly worked. laughs and smiles were shared between the two during their walk, upsetting a certain grey haired person who had been tailing them from behind.

"are you sure they aren't dating?" the grey haired person said through the phone. the line went quiet for awhile but then the man on the phone replied, "they aren't, trust me."

"thanks seonghwa, ill make it up to you someday." jaehee said as they both reached the floor where their apartments were.

"no, its ok! i forgot to pay for the drink last time so i hope you can let me off the hook?" seonghwa said playfully, slightly trying to be cute.

"i totally forgot about the drink! its okay though, i still have your blazer. actually let me give it b–" as jaehee was about to reach for her bag to give him back him blazer, the doors to the elevator opened.

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