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Author's note,
                           This is going to be an extra long chapter.

As me and Danielle sat at the fire, along with the rest of this strange group, the man was cooking the meat we had worked so hard to catch, and has no intention of sharing it with us. "I understand you're a group. What is it called?" Danielle asked the man. "We don't really have a name. We just call ourselves The Team." He replied. "Why are you here? Is this your permanent camp, or are you looking for something else?" I wanted to know. I figured I might as well learn something about these psychos since we were trapped with them. "We've been here for a few weeks, but this isn't permanent." He told me. "We're on a quest, and will be leaving in a short amount of time." "What kind of quest?" Asked Danielle. "That's none of your business. Neither of you would be any help in it." He said. We both just shrugged our shoulders. I felt like an outcast as The Team sat together, enjoying the meat WE had caught as they chatted like old friends.
Throughout this period of time, I noticed Danielle eyeing a man across from her. He was tall, with chin length brown hair and dark brown eyes. "What are you looking at?" I demanded of her. "Nothing." She replied quickly, turning her head away from him. "These people are psychos. You don't need to start feeling attraction for one of them." I told her in a whisper. She remained silent. When The Team had finished eating, a black haired girl said, "Rob, can we get rid of these people? I'm tired of seeing their arrogant faces around me." "We can't just rid of them." The man, who's name must be Rob, told her. "Why not? Who are they going to tell on us? The Mutants?" She asked. "I agree." The girl Madison, a blonde, added. "They're of no use to us." "We can't keep moving with them holding us back." The black haired girl said. "Fine!" Exclaimed Rob, clearly exasperated. "We don't need them anyway. Let's escort them further into the forest though, so they don't find their way back." The black haired girl took me from behind, and the guy Danielle had been eyeing took her. I shot him a dirty look as we set off back into the forest. Not only was I irritated about The Team taking our food away from us, but also because that guy had the nerve to touch MY girlfriend! It was obvious that we were dating, so he wasn't clueless about it. Scowling as I went along, Rob and Madison followed behind us as we moved deeper into the forest. All of a sudden, a rustling sound came from a thick group of trees. Then more from the opposite side. "It's Mutants." I said. "How would you know?" The black haired girl demanded. "Shut up!" Yelled Rob. The group fell silent as he took a gun from Madison's weapon bag. The rustling of leaves continued. "It's just an animal!"
Exclaimed the guy that made me so mad. "Let's just get out of here and..." Before he could finish, a Mutant stalked it's way out of the trees. It looked like every other Mutant I'd seen, with brown, peeling, scaly skin, black eyes, super sharp teeth and claws, and a lean figure. It jerked it's head in our direction. Before it could charge at us, Rob shot it, once in the head and again in the heart. Those places combined was the only way you could kill them. "That was stupid!" I couldn't help exclaiming. "Now all you did is attract more of them!" They also had a keen sense of hearing, along with being extremely fast and agile. "Keep your mouth shut, or you'll be the one that gets killed next!" Rob threatened. Just as I said, another Mutant appeared, then another, and another, until we were enclosed in a circle by them. "Real smooth." I commented. In unison, they all got down on all fours, which meant they were about to attack. Madison also pulled out a gun, but our holders didn't, because they still had a grip on us. "Just let them go! We're far enough out!" Ordered Rob. Obeying their leader, the two people grabbed guns and took aim at the Mutants. "Let's get out of here before the chaos starts." Danielle whispered to me. "We can't. There's too many Mutants. If we start moving, they'll come after us. And do you think The Team is going to shoot them down for our sake?" I wanted to know. "So we're trapped?" Asked Danielle asked. "Yes." I replied. "Fire!" Shouted Rob, and they all started shooting at the Mutants. They screeched in pain as they fell to the ground, their noise ringing in my ears. After only a few moments of shooting, I realized they were only knocking the Mutants to the ground, not killing them. "Oh my god." I sighed. "We're going to die here if this is all they've got." Madison wasn't paying attention, so I grabbed a crossbow out of her bag and started shooting. "You're not doing this alone, Lauren!" Said Danielle, also taking a bow and shooting alongside me. Though the arrows didn't fly as fast as bullets, we were still getting way more done than The Team, who had only killed 4 Mutants out of about 20. With me and Danielle working together, we managed to kill the rest of them, with The Team only taking out about 4 more. "Wow, that was really good!" The black haired girl said. "Where did you guys learn to shoot like that? With crossbows!" "I was taking an archery class before the Coronavirus." I told her. "And I taught MY GIRLFRIEND how when we started out on our own." The guy just looked at me as I emphasized those words. "Let's get out of here, before they decide to turn on us." Rob said. "Let them keep the crossbows. They did a lot." "Wait!" Danielle said. "We're never going to see each other again, so can you tell us what your quest is? I'm so curious!" Rob hesitated. "C'mon man, just say it. She's right, we'll never cross paths again anyway." Madison told him. Rob sighed. "We're headed to Canada." "What for?" I asked. "There's a cure there." He replied me and Danielle gasped. Could he be telling the truth? How do we know if we can trust these strange people? But we needed to know what they had to say.

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