Chapter 25: Getting Settled

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As we approached closer to the metal fence surrounding the camp, huge spotlights shined down on us. "Drop your weapons and raise your hands in the air!" A voice boomed over an intercom. All of us immediately complied, as a few people dressed in all black went through the gates and approached us. "Are you Survivors?" A woman asked. Her and her group all carried guns. "Yes." I answered. "Have any of you been infected? Do you know for certain?" "No, we're all fine. And certain of it." "Good. Come with us." She ordered. We all bent down to retake our weapons with us. "Leave them here!" She snapped. "In this camp, only officials carry weapons." I scowled, about to refuse her order, but Danielle grabbed my wrist tightly. "No fighting, please. We need this." Making myself clearly annoyed, I dropped my weapon, as did the others, then we were all led through the metal gates. I gazed around in wonder at the civilization around me. Lots of people were wandering about, some in all black, others in regular clothing. All around, tents and small log shelters were standing, and there were several small fires scattered around. People stared at us as we were guided through the camp to 2 tents next to each other. "You'll all have to make do with these. We can't spare any more tents." The woman said. We all dropped our bags containing our minimal belongings as Sarah asked, "So what's this camp about? Are there any rules?" "This camp is for uninfected Survivors who need food and shelter. Our security is high and we've only had 3 major Mutant attacks. If any of the residents become infected, we immediately kill them to avoid the spread of the disease. We currently have 82 residents as of now, and people from all across America find their way here. We allow them to stay until they're healthy and ready to travel again, and from the looks of you guys, you'll be staying with us for a while. As for rules, the only ones are always come back before sundown if you choose to leave, no fighting, and no stealing. If you're caught doing any of those things, you'll be kicked out." The woman explained. We all nodded in agreement to the rules and the way things would be. "Do you have food or water?" Nick asked. "We have plenty of both. There's rarely ever any restrictions on how much each group is allowed to have. That tent there in the back is where all the food and water is." She answered, pointing. "Food!" Cried Danielle, running off to the tent. "Now get yourselves settled and comfortable, you won't be harmed here. You'll find piles of wood in each of your tents to start a fire." The woman said, before heading off with her group. "Thank you!" Sarah called after her. All of us then brought out the wood and created a large fire. As we settled ourselves around it, Danielle returned carrying a large basket filled with food and jugs of water. Like crazed animals, we all started grabbing things and wolfing them down. "There's fruit!" Cam exclaimed happily, holding up a fresh apple. He immediately sank his teeth into it. "This is heavenly!" Sarah moaned, devouring a piece of meat. Danielle sat down next to me, and also proceeded to dig in. "We finally have a place to stay." Nick sighed contentedly, eating strawberries. "For now." I corrected him, before chugging down some water. "Let's not worry about the future right now. Focus on the present, and what's before us now." Danielle said. "Fine with me!" I agreed, starting in on a chunk of meat.
We all feasted for a long time before finally becoming full and retiring to our tents for the night. "It feels so good to be off my feet!" I told Danielle as we settled ourselves together under her large jacket which we used as a blanket. "I know exactly how you feel." She agreed, snuggling close to me for extra warmth. "And my skin might feel above freezing temperature." "Mine too. I'm still a little cool, but it feels great compared to what we've been induring." I said. "Not having to feel the snow falling on you all night is also great." "Shush, can you two go to sleep?" Sarah asked, who was laying at the other end of the tent. "I'm exhausted, and I'm sure you are too." "Yeah, we're going to sleep now." I told her. I wrapped my arm around Danielle, and we fell alseep instantly, full, hydrated, and almost warm.

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