Chapter 17: Romance and Possible Friends

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In a few days, our prisoners following behind us, we finally cross the Kentucky border into Illinois. The scenery there is pretty, and it had been Mutant free so far. "So are you and Cam related or something?" Danielle asked Nick as we trudged along. "No. We're a couple." He replied. Danielle's eyes lit up. "Yay! We need more LGBTQ around here. Me and Lauren are a couple too!" Cam smiled from the back. "At least we have something in common." He said. "So what, you're lesbians?" Rob asked. "I am. She's bi." I told him. "So what was your questioning journey like?" Cam asked. "Why are you engaging in conversation with them? They kidnapped us!" Demanded Nick. "Why not? I'm getting bored with this snobby chic." Cam protested, referring to Madison. She scoffed. "I didn't really question. I always knew I was only attracted to girls. I quickly realized most of the girls at my school were attracted to boys, though, so I did some research and found out the exact description of me was lesbian." I explained. "I came out to my parents when I was 11." "And for me, I always thought I was just straight. Until I met Lauren. We started off as just friends, but when this whole pandemic started, we grew closer, and I had more romantic feelings towards her." Danielle said. "Come to find out, she had a crush on me for quite a while! So it all worked out. I never saw my parents again after I had decided, though." "That's so sad." Said Cam. "But I'm so glad you two found yourselves." "Cam!" Nick snapped. "Stop being so nice! These savages don't deserve it!" "Hey look, we're not all bad." Danielle told him. "I, personally, am open to making friends with both of you. I was friends with a member of The Team, before he passed away from a Mutant infection." Nick looked quizzical at her. "I'm open too." I gave in. "If you're willing to cooperate, we can be friends and we can release you." Nick just frowned and looked away, while Cam said, "Why not?" Rob glared at us all. "I guess I should go gay, if that's all it takes to have a chance at being free." He said. "Shut your mouth." I said roughly. Just then, Danielle started humming a song. I recognized it immediately. It was what we called 'our song'. I looked at her and half-smiled. She smiled back and started actually singing, which I joined in. "And let me crawl inside your veins." Danielle sang. "I'll build a wall, give you a ball and chain. It's not like me to be so mean, you're all I wanted. Just let me hold you, like a hostage." She then continued singing it to me, and I felt my heart warm up. Who knew banding together again to keep prisoners would bring our relationship back together? It was amazing what bonding over the craziest things could do to your hearts. We didn't even need to talk and make up. We did it through fighting, capturing, and a special song  between us. I reached over and took her hand, to which she didn't reject. "Awww, you two are so cute!" Cam said. "Fine, I admit it! That is pretty cute." Nick agreed. "They're not that tough, just a typical couple, trying to survive." I didn't even care that I had just been belittled. I was too lost in my girlfriend's beautiful eyes. I loved her so much, and it was obvious she loved me back. The sun began to set behind the horizon and we rode down the street, hand in hand, prisoners behind us. There were still sweet little moments, even during a pandemic. And I took advantage of every single one.

The song sung is the one pasted at the beginning of the chapter.

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