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2 weeks. 2 weeks since me and Danielle's big argument, and collecting an abundance of food. But now we had very little left. Luckily, we had come across a pond a few days before, and we stocked up on all the water we could possibly carry. So as far as being nourished and hydrated, we were good. But we still hadn't spoken to each other, unless absolutely neccessary. And I honestly was beginning to miss her. The long, deep conversations we had, fighting Mutants back to back, cuddling under the light of a full moon. Those were the good things that got me through the day, and I wanted, needed them back. But I wouldn't stoop down to her. Then she'd think I was weak, and could boss me around as she wished. I would never give her that false sense of accomplishment. I looked over at her, riding her bike along next to me. She didn't look back, didn't smile or laugh anymore. The urge to make things up with her became to great for me. I needed to try, without actually seeming like I needed her company again. "Danielle." I said nervously. She sideways glanced at me. "What's up?" She asked flatly. "We need to talk. This distancing from each other we've been doing is getting ridiculous!" I replied. "I'm not in the mood to talk about that right now." She told me. "Danielle, please. I think it'll do us good." I said. She ignored me. "Can you just listen?" I demanded gruffly. "No! Not with that attitude. And even if you were being nice, I still wouldn't utter a single unnecessary word to you." She snapped. I opened my mouth to insult her, but chose not to. It would only make things between us worse. We continued pedaling in silence until Danielle shouted "Mutants!" Indeed, the scaly creatures were stalking their way up the street towards us, though they didn't know we were there yet. It was a group of t of them. "Get your bow ready." I ordered. She complied, and both us got off our bikes and aimed our bows at the Mutants. Then they noticed us. They got crouched down and I could hear them snarling from about 200 feet away. I braced myself, and they charged. Running on all fours, they quickly neared us, and we began to shoot. But we weren't hitting them fast enough. So I dropped my bow, pulled a machete out of my bag, and ran at the Mutants. I attacked one on the far edge, stabbing it's chest, then it's head. I then noticed all of the noise the Mutants were making attracted more from the nearby woods, so there were 12 of them still alive, 3 dead from the last group. One of them pushed against me, trying to bite my neck. I struggled with it, before shoving it away and stabbing it's head. It then came at me again, and I pushed my machete into it's stomach, momentarily paralyzing it, but not killing it. But I had enough to strike it's heart, and fell dead to the pavement. Danielle was still shooting nonstop, and slowly but surely killing them. I then felt one grab me from behind, and growl ferociously in my ear. I tried to knock it over, but it was too strong. I kicked it, but it still didn't budge, it's sharp teeth now grazing my cheek. "Danielle, help!" I yelled. She turned to look at me, about to get bitten my the Mutant. She stood still and watched for a moment. "Danielle! For God's sake, shoot the thing!" I screamed, it's teeth lightly pressing my skin. She still continued to watch. "Don't do this to me!" I begged. "Don't let me die like this! You know in your heart you still care about me, just as I do about you!" She remained silent and motionless. Just I had given up all hope of being saved, the Mutant's grip suddenly loosened. Danielle had shot it's head! "I can't shoot the heart without risk of hitting you!" She yelled to me. Luckily, I was able to release myself in it's weakened state, and I finished it off. Then we killed the rest of them, till the large group of Mutants lie dead around us. "Thank you, Danielle. You saved my life." I told her. "You're right. I still care about you. I'm just not ready to make up yet." She said. I half smiled. Then we mounted our bikes again and continued down the street, exhausted from the fight and feeling a little better about each other.

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