Chapter 4: Teaming Up

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"There's a cure in Canada? You have to tell us more!" I pressed. "How do we know if we can trust you? You've already proved to be invasive, trying to steal our camp." Said Rob. "This is a totally different matter. This cure could bring back the world we all know and love." I told him. "We want to help." Danielle gave me a surprised look as I said that. "C'mon Rob, this could work out." Madison said. "Fine, but we're talking about it right here." Rob said firmly, sitting down on the ground. Forming a circle, we all sat down, Danielle conveniently being next to that guy. "So what's the story?" Danielle asked. "Well, a couple of weeks back we received news from a reliable source that he had discovered an underground lab when digging." Began Rob. "He started looking around and it looked like a mad scientist's workspace. He was still looking around when the scientist returned. Our friend started asking questions about what he was working on. He told him he had been toiling in that lab for months, trying to find a cure. And he had found one. But he's just an old man, and can't risk travelling around the globe, handing out the cure to everyone. People have to come to him. So we are going to Canada to meet him and get the cure."
"How exactly does it work?" I asked. "It's like a gas." Rob replied. "One bottle of the formula strong enough to cleanse a whole state or country. Or two bottles if the region is particularly large. The disease will dissipate in the air, and the Mutants will die off and their impurities cleansed, too. He's going to make one for every state and country, and some spares just in case." "That's a pretty farfetched story." I said. "But do we have any choice but to believe them?" Asked Danielle. "This is the first ever rumor about it that's ever circulated."
"Even though your personalities leave a lot to be desired, don't you think they could be an asset to us?" Madison asked Rob. "They're a good shot and obviously know how to catch food." "I don't think we need any new members for our group right now." Said Rob. "But Madison is right!" The black haired girl chimed in. "We could really use some good shooters in this group." She gave the other guy and Rob dirty looks. "Why are we even discussing this yet? We don't even know if these girls even want to join." Madison pointed out. Everyone turned to us. "I'm game." Said Danielle. "I'm tired of this crappy world. I want our old one back." "I don't know." I said hesitantly. "Lauren, this could be our chance." Danielle told me, lowering her voice. "I know these people seem shady, but I think we should put aside our differences to focus on the real task at hand." I said nothing, still suspicious. "For me?" She asked. "For the rest of civilization that's left?" It was those words that made me realize how desperate we really were. What if Rob was telling the truth? What if this formula was all we needed to bring our world back? I sighed deeply. "Alright, I'll join you." I announced. "But if any of you make one wrong move, I'll put an arrow in your head." "C'mon Rob, the girl is right. Do it for remaining civilization." The black haired girl urged. "Fine!" Rob exclaimed. "I accept. Just so you stop picking at me about it!" Everyone smiled confidently but me and Rob, who stared at each other suspiciously. "You just stay out of my way, if you know what's good for you." Rob told me. "Okay. And you just sleep with one eye open. I keep my crossbow with me at all times." I said.

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