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The only noises to fill my room was the sound of my own laboured breathing, my coughing and the vitals machine beeping to the rhythm of my pulse. My whole body was tight and aching - I had never felt so much pain in all my life.

No one was with me - Everyone from my team was out at practice. I was alone.

My phone lit up and began vibrating. I used all my strength to lift my arm and grab my phone. Kenma was calling me - I accepted.

"Hello?" I said in a crackled voiced before coughing.

"Shoyo, are you okay? You sound really bad."

"I'm fine, I'm just in a bit of pain right now."

"Then you should be resting. I can go if you want me- "

"No, don't!" I said almost yelling. I paused for a moment before speaking again. "Please don't go. I need someone to talk to right now - I don't want to be alone."

"Wait, does that mean no one is with you right now?"

I shook my head before realising he couldn't see me. "Uhh no, it's just me."

"I see." Kenma went quiet. Even so, just knowing he was there was comforting. He always spoke in a soft voice, which was a refreshing change from Karasuno's energetic demeanour.

"Anyway," Kenma spoke up suddenly. "I am headed over to the hospital now. I had some free time, so I decided to come and see you."

"You are coming over now?"

"Yeah. Me and Kuroo are on our way. We should be about 30 minutes."

"Oh..." I was at a loss for words.

"Would you rather we didn't come over?" Kenma said, sounding slightly concerned.

"No no no, it's not that, it's just...I feel bad."

"Feel bad?"

My chest felt tighter, almost making it impossible to breathe.

"Everyone has been so kind. You and Kuroo have travelled such a long way to come to see me and- "

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Hinata? It's Sugawara and Kageyama. Can we come in?"

"S-Sure!" I said as loud as I could.

Sugawara slowly opened the door, peering his head round.

"You're on the phone?" Sugawara said.

"Oh yeah, but you can come in. It's Kenma."

"Is someone there?" Kenma asked.

"Yeah, it's Sugawara and Kageyama."

"I see. Well, I have to go now, but I will see you really soon."

"Okay Kenma, I can't wait to see you. Travel safe!"

I placed my phone back on the surface top next to me. Sugawara and Kageyama stood at the end of my bed, staring at me. I was in so much and I felt so weak, but I tried to put on a brain face so that I didn't worry them.

"Hey guys, how are you do- "

Suddenly, I started coughing. Sugawara rushed over to grab a metal tray for me to cough into. Sure enough, blood came out.

Kageyama seemed heavily disturbed, maybe because of what we talked about yesterday.

"S-Sorry about that!" I said, trying to sound cheery, but my voice wavered and came out faintly.

Sugawara gently pushed me back into a lying position.

"There's no need to force yourself. We can leave if you need to rest."

"No, please stay! I'll go crazy if I'm left alone again," I said, forcing a chuckle out. Neither of them seemed to find my jokes funny. In fact, both of them seemed to have a looming despair about them.

I was doing my best to stay optimistic - not just for my sake, but for theirs too. After all, it was only a few days ago that Kenma and Sugawara convinced me to have hope, and now both of them seemed defeated somehow.

"So uhh, how was practice?" I enquired, desperately trying to shift the mood.

It seems Sugawara picked up on my attempts.

"It was...it was good!" He forced a smile, trying his best to support my efforts to lift the mood. "Kageyama was on top form as usual, right Kageyama?"

Kageyama refused to respond, simply deciding to stare at the ground.

I began getting anxious, my chest constricting more and more.

"Hey Hinata, are you okay? You're going pale!" 

I started coughing more aggressively than usual, to the point where I struggled to breath. Sugawara leaned me forward, holding the metal tray in front of me with one hand and had his other hand placed on my back.

I heard the heart rate monitor beeping more rapidly as I tried to cough into the tray. Sugawara began looking worried and his hands started shaking.

"K-Kageyama quick, click the button to call the nurses!"

Kageyama rushed over to the other side of the bed and pushed a button.

I suddenly felt very light headed. My body fell backwards onto my bed.

"Hinata? Hinata!" The nurses were yelling at me.

I opened my eyes a little, realising I had an oxygen mask on my face, yet somehow I still couldn't really breathe.

The room began darkening, voices becoming less clear. My body felt cold.

I didn't feel pain anymore. I chuckled a little.

"What's happening?" Kageyama shouted out.

"Someone call Doctor Takehashi!" I heard one of the nurses saying.

"Hinata, stay with us, please!" Sugawara said, his voice cracking a little. Somehow, his words left no impact.

Is this...what dying is?

Time slowed down as memories of the past flooded my mind - seeing the Little Giant on the TV, my loss against Kageyama and Oikawa, our victory over Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa.

My body felt numb to the point where it didn't feel like it was a part of me. I heard the muffles of people shouting and crying, but none of it was clear and somehow all of my worry vanished. Perhaps I had finally accepted what this illness entailed.

A single tear fell down my face.

"Thank you...for giving...me wings."

My eyes closed slowly, the world fading to black.

[Kenma's POV]

I returned my phone to my pocket as I approached the door. I turned back to look at Kuroo, who gave me a thumbs ups.

I grabbed the door knob to Shoyo's room, twisting it slowly. I gently pushed open the door.

"Hello, Sho- "

Before I could finish my words, the sound of a constant beep rung throughout the room. Stood on either side of the bed was Sugawara and Kageyama, along with a few nurses. They were staring blankly at the ground beneath them.

I stood forward towards the bed, my heart filling with dread.

There, lying lifelessly in his best, was my friend.

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