Death of Some Dusty Fellows

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     Blue had been going though a normal day. He woke up early and went to start breakfast, tacos. When he was done he went to wake his brother Papyrus, also known as Stretch, as Stretch slept in as normal. He sometimes worried about how often Stretch fell asleep, but didn't want to pry. They ate and then Blueberry gave a goodbye hug to his brother as if he could at any moment disappear, and left. Stretch didn't stalk him as he normally did, then again, was it really stalking if Blue knew about it and could avoid it? Stretch was finally being less overprotective. To Blue it felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Blue loved his brother, especially since he was the only family he had left, though he just didn't want to be the cause of his brother's worry, and he liked to be left alone every once in a while. Blue met up with Alphys, the leader of the Royal Guard he wanted to join, but had yet to, for his annual training with her, as normal. He then went somewhere else. He noticed his brother following him. He sulked. He guessed that Stretch wasn't that much less overprotective, then. Blue then slapped on a smile, and eventually lost him, though, as normal. 

     Blue had walked through the woods until he knew he was completely alone, without chance of being caught. He then seemed to summon something. What he summoned was a portal. He then went through and started sneaking around. When he found what, or who, he was looking for his expression brightened. He was watching someone. He felt his SOUL skip a beat and he felt his face heat up. The one he was watching had his hood up and was leaned against the wall, while the others there were running around causing chaos, until a certain goopy octopus started yelling at them. He seemed to go a little easier on the oreo looking one with the scar on his cheekbone. Blue found it  obvious the two liked one another, though the octopus would probably deny it. Blue's attention then went back to stalking the one with his hood up, as normal.

     Blue eventually made a portal and left. He had ended up in a place that was completely made up of a blinding white color. This was the Antivoid. The supposed 'ceiling' or 'sky' had blue strings that held up the heart shaped SOULs that the original AU, Undertale, along with all, if not most, it's other AUs of that multiverse were known for. These AUs are also known as Alternate Universes. There were also puppets of all the Sans' of the AUs. A few seconds later he came across a black and glitching form that had some dust coming off it in flakes. He frowned. The black and glitching form was a skeleton. A black boned skeleton. He had error signs covering his body. This was Error, the Destroyer. Blue started bandaging said Error. This happened normally, so Blue always carried around bandages. Error shot up, breathing a bit fast, but calmed his breathing when seeing it was only Blue. Blue finished putting bandages on Error and they ended up talking for a bit, which always made Blue smile. He frowned at the fact that one of his only true friends had gotten hurt, but smiled when Error comforted him and assured him he had helped enough. Error asked Blue if he wanted the visit the gang. The stars in his eyes seemed to brighten as he said yes.

     The gang was the group known throughout the multiverse as the "Bad Sans'" which included the oreo one with the scar on his cheekbone which was Cross, the one with the hole in there skull was Horror, the one whose eyes were completely black and looked like he was eternally crying black tears was Killer, the certain goopy black octopus was Nightmare and he was actually a skeleton, and finally the one with the hood of his jacket up, which upon closer inspection had dust on it, was Dust. They all started talking, as they all already knew each other, from Error introducing them a while back. Eventually everyone left and Dust and Blue were left alone. Blue then asked, "Do you want to play checkers?" Dust then got a glint in his eyesocket and replied, "are you sure you can beet me, little Blue?" Blue then pouted as his face warmed, "I am not little!" Blue continued while pointing at Dust, "TODAY THE MAGNIFICENT BLUE SHALL FINALLY BEAT YOU IN SOMETHING! MWEH HEH HEH!" They played and Blue ended up losing. Dust looked all smug while Blue pouted crossing his arms. "You were saying?" Dust then questioned him. Blue sulked, "I'm not little!" he said angrily. Dust just tried to hide a snicker. A while later, the group ended up parting ways and Error and Blue went to their respective homes.

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