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Emma's P.O.V

I wake up from the sun in my room.It made my chandelier shine.I heard birds chirping. And my little sister screaming.This is literarily normal for me.I turn my head to face the pillow.I try to go back to sleep but my mother woke me up by shaking me.

"Hey,Emma.Time to wake up."

My mother said in little voice.

"Ugh! Fine!"

I reply turning my body to face her's.I quickly sat up.

"Can I speak with the annoying brat?"

I ask getting up from my bed and over to my mirror.


My mom said in a disappointing tone.

She hates it wen i call my sister names.

"Fine.I'll speak to her AFTER school."

I roll my eyes and ran to the bathroom before my little sister,Alexandra,could get to it.I quickly lock the door and do my make up in front of the mirror and got changed.After I was done doing my things,I walk to the the and un lock it.I open the door and walked out of the bathroom.I ran down stairs to get some breakfast.


My dad says as soon I was finish walking down the stairs.


I say in a annoyed tone.

"Someone woke up from the bide side of the bed." Dad said giving me a plate of pancakes with a hot coco with cinnamon.

"Just really tired," I say swallowing my pancakes and my hot coco.

"Anymore question you want to know?" I roll my eyes,pushing my mug and my plate to my dad.

"No,I think I'm good." He replied in a small smile.

"Anyways.I have to go." I say grabbing my coat that was black.before I could put my boots,mom came from up stairs.

"What? I taught I was taking you?" Mom said walking over to me.

Soon enough my dad followed.He put he's arm around the waist of my mother.They both looked at me waiting got my answer.

"Is something wrong?" Mom asked.

"Nope! I'm walking!" I say putting on my black little boots that had one little heal on each boot. "Bye!" I say opening the door and getting out of the house.I quickly close the door behind me after and started walking towards my school that wasn't that far.

I finally reach my school.But before I could reach the school grounds,someone tapped my shoulder. I quickly turn around and saw it was my bestfriend.

"Emma?!" She said in gasp

"Regina?!" I reply in a gasp in return.

We both hugged.

"Oh my god I missed you!" Regina said pulling away from the hug.

"Same!" I say in a author gasp.

Before we could say something the school bell ring telling us to get in side.

"Do you have your paper?" She asked walking towards the door with me.

"Eh..." I look in my pocket and I see the paper.Few! "Yup!"

"Great! Now let's go!"

We both ran to the door with are backpacks on are backs.

We are inside.Good! Because it was going to rain anyways! I ran towards the board where they're where fliers and papers to sign in classes after school and at lunch time.I was determent to choose drama class! My friend as well but she had two choices.Drama and magic class.I find a free space and ran in it.I take i pen and for drama i wrote me and Regina.But they're was a guy.The troublemaker.Shit.But oh well he'll have to deal with ME. After I reach to the magic flier and put Regina in it.I then ran back to Regina.

"God! It was hard! But I signed us in!!" I say in joy.

"Emma...?" My friend said looking down.

"Regina what's wrong?" I ask.

"It's about the classes..." She sighed then looked up.

"Where not in the same..." I paused for a minute before sighing and continuing. "Class?"

"No.." She answered. "We ARE in the same class!!!!" She said smiling.

"YESSS!!!" I say in a exited tone. "But let's go before where late!" I say ruining with her to are classes.

We arrive in the class They're's only two spots left.And where not together...But oh well's I'll go with Bel-. She took the place next to Belle and i'm stuck with..The Troublemaker.No,no,no,nooooo! I hope this is a dream.I pinch myself.But no.This isn't a dream.I took my courage in my two hands and walked up the the bureau and sat next to him.

"Hello class.Remember me?" The teacher said jokingly.

"Yes, Mr.Delaurentes." Everyone said.

"Good.Now all you need to know is that i will be your french teacher for the rest of the year.And you'll be staying at the same places for all year too." My teacher said with a smile.


Okay,Emma,You can do this!

I taught to myself.

"I fucking can't do it!!" I scream in the class room.Everyone turned to me.My teacher looked at me with a angry look.

"Miss Swan! Your language!" He said. "The year starts great for you! Now,straight to the principle office!"

I slowly got up and looked at him.Him.The guy. Killian Jones.

Miss Swan and Mr JonesWhere stories live. Discover now