Hope Fading

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Andy (POV)
"Hello?" I asked, I haven't heard from my girl for a couple days and I felt like my life was falling to shambles.
"Andy?" I heard her voice, I knew who it was instantly. My heart skipped a beat and I felt joy in my heart.
"Kay?! Kay it's amazing to hear your voice! I miss you so much!" I couldn't breath, I felt so alive and so happy to know she's okay.
"Andy... I want to break up with you..." she said, I then felt the whole world coming down. I felt the burning sensation of the tears, I felt like it wasn't her. It was quiet and I couldn't understand why.
"I don't understand... I love you... and you love me..." I said with desperation and sadness, I couldn't believe this was happening. Something didn't feel right.
"I lov-," I heard her begin to say, but I heard whispering and a slight whimper.
"What Kay?" I said, I sniffled and the phone was silent as night.
"I ... I don't want you anymore." She said, the words felt like knives on my skin and it hurt like daggers, tears rolled down my face and I began to fight them, but it wasn't working. The phone hung up right after and i let the tears fall down my face. The guard walked me to my cell again and the guys saw how I was, they walk to me and hugged me.
" Andy? What happened?" CC asked, his face looked as sad as mine.
"Kay... broke up with me..." I said, it didn't feel right. It left sour like a gross lemon, I sniffled. Ashley walked to the male guard.
"Uh excuse me, can you get a pad or two of paper and five pencils?" He asked, the guard nodes and leaves.
"What are you doing?" Jake says.
"We are suppose to be helping Andy." Jinxx says, the guard returns with what he asked for.
"Well, thank you," he says," I am, but we still have fans and we will get through this." he had a point, I need to put them first no matter what now that Kay left me but the memories aren't.
"So Andy tell us how you feel. We can make a song out of heart break." CC says. I felt like heaven disappeared.
"Heaven's gone..."I said. Ashley wrote down what I said.
"The battle's won." CC said, I knew he felt the same way I did since Audrey couldn't see or talk to him, but how did Belle get to talk to me?
"I had to say goodbye." Jinxx said with a melancholy tone.
"Lived and learned from every fable." Jake said, rubbing his head. Ashley was writing it all down like it's gonna be the next best seller.
"Good guys, keep it going." he said. He was trying to use my comment about self harm to his advantage to help us from being destructive.
"Written by your mind...
And I wonder how to move on
From all I had inside." I said, focusing on the lyrics.
"Place my cards upon the table." Jinxx says.
"In blood I draw the line." CC says with a sad tone.
"I've given all my pride." Jake says right behind CC.
"Living a life of misery
Always there, just underneath
Haunting me, quietly alone
It's killing me." I sang.
"Killing me." They echoed behind me.
"Dead and gone, what's done is done
You were all I had become
I'm letting go of what I once believed...
So goodbye... agony." I sang, then the door opened. We all turned around and the officer was standing at the door.
"You're free to go." he said. I looked at the guys and we were all confused.
"What?" Ashley said.
"The girl who blamed you just called and said you weren't the right guys and now you're free to go." he told us. We walked out of the cell and collected our stuff.
"Now what?" Jake asked.
"I'm gonna call Audrey." he said, I looked at my phone and called my beautiful girl. It was ringing, but no answer... she always answers even when we had our little spats. Ten minutes passed and Audrey drove over, she ran out of the car and hugged CC. Kay wasn't in the car.
"Where's Kay?" I asked her.
"I've called, texted and kiked her... It's like she disappeared." Audrey said, my heart kept tearing. Where is she?

Kay's (POV)
I wake up groggy and it's dark as night, I move my legs and arms but I'm restrained from moving. I look and it's like I'm invaded in something, it's moving like I'm in a car and I realize I'm in the trunk. The car soon turns and stops hard, I hear two of the car doors opens and slams shut. They walk to the back and open the trunk, I can't see their faces but it's one girl and one boy.
"Ready to learn the truth Katrina..." she says.

My Rebel Love Story (Andy Biersack Love Story/ Black Veil Brides)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora