No Romance! :<

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Sparksbrine here, siad that the biggest reason he hardly reads any of my books, is because they all have ROMANCE in them! Well.. brother, today I am here to list ALL my books (I have started writing) without ANY romance! ...Yes, even the unpublished ones.

Well, I guess first off I may as well explain at least my definition stories involving "romance:" When two characters are, or become, interested in one another, wanting to be more than simply friends. In a story with romance in it, often the characters simply interact a little differently than basic friends, or, on the other end of the spectrum, grow very strong feelings for the other and end up confessing their love... Basically characters attracted to eachother, interested in being more than friends, which is either noticed or even pointed out by the plot of the story itself. (Also, already married people don't count unless the plot revolves around their bond or something.)

So, that doesn't mean the list below doesn't contain relationships. There are different kinds of relationships in ALL of my books. That, I can agree to.. brother. But these relationships are more like: (friend x friend) or (parent x child).

Thy Holy List:

The entire "Bedrock Breakers" trilogy (1-3)

"Happy Papy" (4)

"Hazel" (5)

"You Versus The Universe" (6)

"Descendants Of Herobrine" (7) --however this one is kinda confusing because the main characters "back to the future" a bit.

"Kylo" (8)

"Relen"- Wait, scratch that. The villain has a girlfriend for, like, a chapter. I just haven't written that far yet.

"The Test" (9)

"Endless Friday" (10 & the two below combined: 11)
(Short books like "Define Reality" and "The Existance Of Herobrine?" don't really count.)

"The Christmas Challenge" (12)

"Given Up" (13)

"Camp Neverending" (14)

"One Goal, Nine reasons" (15)

"Son Of Steve" (16)


I also dare to include books such as,

"Encoded" (17)

"Nothing To Do With Luck!" (18)

"Another Chapter" (19)

"Swapped" (20)

"Elsewhere" (21)

Simply because romance is just teased/hinted af, and doesn't necessarily effect how the characters or the plot. Together, that is TWENTY-ONE BOOKS!

...May as well make a list of books WITH romance. Even if just a little romance is in them. That also includes side characters in relationships.

Books Containing Romance

"Never Forever" (1)

"The 'Okay' Prince" (2)

"Scarlett Dresses" (3)

"Born A Soldier" (4)

"(HxR)...'s Sister" (5)

(Secret project) (6)

"More Than Math" (7)

The one currently called "No U." (8)

"'Incident'" (9)

"The Villain's Profession" (10)
(The one YOU'RE reading, Sparky.)

And "Last Wish" (11)

O.o Okay, that is actually a lot of books. Wow. Well, if you just counted the ones where romance was actually important to the plot, you would only have about half of that list remaining. :]

Well... that's kinda it for now.. Seeya! 👋

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