Act 2 Scene 3

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Tw: panic attack.

(Jeremy runs into the bathroom until something touches his hand revealing Michael in a crappy costume.)

"Ha, Jeremy! You thcream like a girl!"
Jeremy just rolled his eyes.

Michael (spoken)

"Oh shit." Jeremy mumbled, looking to the other guy next to him.

Jeremy (spoken)
Michael? I didn't know you where invited to this party.

Michael (spoken)
I wasn't.

"Oh damn, sorry, Mike," Jake apologised.
Getting no response from Mike he turned his head to him saw the other looking at his shaking hands. Jake elbowed Rich, then pointed at Michael.
Rich frowned, putting a hand on the shaking boy's shoulder, letting him know he was here.

Which is why I'm wearing this...clever disguise.

The girls giggled at Mike's sarcasm, but the boys knew that this wasn't going to be a fun scene to watch.

(Jeremy just stares at him)

Your speechless. SQUIP got you're tongue?

"Oh damn." Rich whispered , but quiet enough that only Jake could hear it. Jake just laughed lightly, pulling his boyfriend closer.

Jeremy (spoken)
It's off...

Michael (spoken)
That explains why your talking to me.

The girls now noticed this wasn't going to be a good scene by the tense air of the scene.

I've been thinking of this moment. What I would say to you? I had this really pissed of monologue, an epic journey through twelve years of friendship.

"Twelve?" Christine piped in.

"Yep, twelve." Michael repeated, somewhat bitterly.


Jeremy (spoken)
It's just... great to see you man.

Michael (spoken)
It won't be. Once you hear what I found out.

Jeremy (spoken)
Found out?

Michael (spoken)

"How?" Rich said sounded amazed that Michael found out things about the SQUIP. He looked himself and never found anything.

(Michael taps the side of his head.)

Jeremy (spoken)
How? There's nothing on the internet-

Michael (spoken)
Which is weird right!? I mean, what is not on the internet?

"Mike's right." Jenna said agreeing with the agitated Michael on the screen.

So I started asking around. Finally, this guy I play Warcraft with... told me how his brother went from a straight D  student, to a freshman in Harvard.

"What?!" Chloe exclaimed.

You know where he is now?

Jeremy (spoken)
Really happy and successful?

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