Act 2 Scene 5

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"Rich, I'm sorry." Jenna apologised.

"It'th fine. It'th all over anyway." Rich said slightly annoyed, but overall fine now that he'd calmed down.

The Pitiful Children

The SQUIP (sung)
You were always quite the loser, Jeremy

Michael glared at the SQUIP and tightened his grip on Jeremy's arm.

Then I invaded and had you upgraded
Badababa woah
Jeremy, it's true that I found you
But look around you
All your peers are just so incomple-e-ete

Everyone's eyes widened slightly.

You can't see it, but they're all in pa-a-ain

"So, SQUIP, your guilt-tripping Jeremy into drugging people?" Brooke said with a glare.

"If you want to believe that then yes." The SQUIP said with a smile.
Everyone could agree with this sentence of the song in some way. They had all been in pain.

They're operating system's obsole-e-ete
So let's complete the chains
And get inside those brains

"You could of said it differently, because that just sounds sinister." Christine said politely.

"Why are you being polite to, that?!" Michael asked loudly, raising his arm to gesture to the SQUIP.

"Because you should be polite to everyone, even if there not polite to you."

"Why thank you, Christine." The SQUIP replied politely back, to get on Mike's nerves.

Michael rolled his eyes, slouching in his chair. Jeremy rubbed his shoulder. "I don't get why the fuck she's being nice to that computer! It ruined our lives!" Michael whisper-shouted in Jeremy's ear.

"I don't know, she's just an overly nice person." Jere whispered back, shrugging.

(Children from school)
Let's save the pitiful children, (woah)
Let's save the pitiful children, (woah)
Let's teach the pitiful children, who just haven't a clue
Just what to do
He-elp them to he-e-elp you

Jenna (Sung)
Ah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

"Oh my gosh, Jenna! That was amazing!" Christine gushed.

The SQUIP (sung)
Can you see the vision clearly, Jeremy?

"Obviouthly not." Rich said sarcastically.

Users embracing and interfacing
Be boop , be boop

Michael mimicked that part of the song to Jeremy, making him laugh. The SQUIP glared at him, mumbling something probably not so nice.

Shiny, happy people singing swee-e-etly
Gone is human error a-nd fear (beeb bop boo beep bop boo beep bop boo beep)
Every issue tucked away so ne-e-eatly
If you feel their silent tears

Everyone could relate to this song. They felt sympathy for Jeremy, seeing as he just wanted to help everyone and have Christine as a girlfriend.

Yes, turn the knob and switch that gear

SQUIP and Jeremy (sung)
Let's save the pitiful children, yeah
Let's save the pitiful children, yeah yeah

Jenna (sung)
yeah ye-yeah yeah
Let's teach the pitiful children,

"I have to admit, this is catchy as fuck." Jake stated whilst Rich nodded.

The SQUIP (sung)
Who just haven't a clue
Just what to do
He-elp them and soon this will be you!
The SQUIP and Other SQUIP things(sung)
Let's save the pitiful children, rab beep beep bope
Let's save the pitiful children, re bop bo beep bop bo beep bop Bo

"What does that 'beep boop' crap mean?" Brooke asked to the room.

Let's teach the pitiful children, who haven't a clue
That's what we do
If that's what we do
Then everything about us is going to be wonderful

"That was a tone change." Chloe said blankly.

We love everything about Squips

"No we don't!" Michael and Jeremy sang.

Everything about us is going to be so alive
We could never live without Squips

"We could though." Jenna added.

You won't feel left out or unsure
Not pitiful children anymore
Everything about us is going to be cool
When... we... rule

"That was cool." Christine said calmly.

Michael dramatically shook Jeremy and gestured at Chris. Jeremy laughed and kissed him to shut him up.

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