game: start!

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after that first night with xuxi, yuqi had promised to herself she'd never go anywhere near alcoholic beverages again or else she'd have to kill herself on the spot.

yuqi asks shuhua where she hid the knives when she struts into the kitchen, looking more sober and decent than yuqi was and it's only been an hour since yuqi has arrived to shuhua's party.

the girl in mention raises an eyebrow and leans forward, eyes squinting as she inspects the wobbling, unstable female in front of her although it was already obvious that she was clearly hit. "you're drunk already?"

"barely," she mumbles. "just tipsy. i hate alcohol." she downs the rest of the beer in her hand in one, long sip.

"i should not have invited you over." shuhua shakes her head, probably regretting her decision already, and turns yuqi around while gripping onto her shoulders. "come on, you should sit and sober up."

"but i am sober." yuqi says. the world seemed to spin every once in a while but other than that, she was still a-okay.

shuhua chuckles darkly. "not for long," she says before pushing her down to sit on the sofa in the living room. "stay there and behave." she looks pointedly at her while backing away slowly, then she turns on her heels and attends to her other guests that came pouring in through the front door.

yuqi lets out a groan and leans all the way back on the couch. she doesn't remember why shuhua was even throwing a party, something about her parents being out of town and yangyang offered to stock it with some left over german beer he had from his last (disastrous, as yuqi might add) party and the only thing better than free beer is free, imported beer.

as much as yuqi didn't want to go, shuhua's text sounded so inviting that she eventually gave in. she thought tzuyu would be here but she backed out last minute and yuqi ended up going alone right after getting the results from the clinic, which they gave only a few hours after the test.

the two of them were negative, and yuqi just cannot believe they actually did it in his car while he parked in the back of an abandoned parking lot of an old commercial building.

she wants to hit herself with a beer bottle but she's still too sober for that. so maybe later.

as yuqi tries not to think about her own stupidity, a familiar figure sits next to her on the large couch and when she turns her neck to look, a small smile breaks across her forlorn face. "hey, yang."

yangyang smiles back, looking at her in a funny manner. "are you drunk already?" he says above the music playing in the living room. the bass resonated through the walls and floor. "you look a bit red."

"i finished two and a half bottles of your beer." yuqi replies, almost yelling. the edm is getting to her, techno beats dancing in front of her eyes.

yangyang lifts his hands, a bottle in each. "want another one?" he asks.

tonight, the devil came in the form of liu yangyang.

she flicks his forehead, yuqi doesn't want to be tempted at all. but she is. naturally. song yuqi, making stupid decisions every other hour or so.

"kidding," yangyang retracts his hands and leans away from her. "i fear you'll be crawling home tonight if i give you another one." he says somberly, it sounds like he's mocking her alcohol tolerance but he was right.

sighing, yuqi grabs an unopened can of coke from the table beside the couch they were seated on. "i don't even know why i got so drunk easily tonight but i guess shuhua's right, i need to sober up." she does. badly.

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