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initially, xuxi thought there'd be no hope for them to be on speaking terms again. realistically, he thought they couldn't even be in the same room anymore. however, those assumptions were both proven wrong as yuqi started to be her old self around him again and xuxi started feeling like he could talk more freely with her. he still walked her to the bus stop, sometimes he'd offer to drive her home when the car was in the basement parking lot and he would tease her for it.

"i already apologized for that," yuqi said one day when xuxi was just causally reminding her the last time he offered to drive her home, she had gone nuclear. "come on, xuxi. you said you've forgiven me."

"i have." xuxi chuckles, finding glee in annoying the school's student council president. he finds it easier to talk and fool around with her this way.

"no, you haven't." she argues. "because if you did, then you'd stop mentioning it every five seconds."

xuxi snorts. "i do not mention it every five seconds -"

"oh, you're so missing the point here." shaking her head, yuqi crosses her arms and leans against the car seat.

xuxi feels his features soften. he glances at her and sighs. "i get your point, yuqi. i'm sorry for always bringing it up. i promise i just do it to annoy you." he reassures her, although perhaps for yuqi it wasn't so reassuring as xuxi had meant. "anyway, have you heard from any of the schools yet?"

yuqi turns to look at him and the smile in her face falters. "not yet. but i applied to six schools, i'm sure one of them is bound to accept me." she sounds firm and sure, and xuxi can't help but smile for her. these past two weeks were rough for all of the seniors, especially for yuqi and xuxi should know because he's been the one driving her to the testing centers and her interviews whenever her parents couldn't make it because of work. "i just don't know which one."

"or two, or three," xuxi supplied. "it's good to have options, you know."

"says the guy who only applied to one school." yuqi snickers.

"their offer was really good and my folks couldn't help it so i don't really see a problem there." xuxi shrugs and he continues to drive at a slow yet steady pace under the burnt orange sky. there was something beautiful about that afternoon, and he didn't know whether it was from the scenic view of the sky above them or the way yuqi smiled at him as she got off the car and thanked him yet again for driving her home safely.

xuxi believed in timing. he believed in the balance of things and to carefully scrutinize whether each move he made would be a good one, and seeing yuqi so happy and in a good mood especially after their final exams (which meant that they only had graduation left to conquer now) made xuxi feel like it was a now or never moment and he can't stall it for any longer.


she turned around right away, just as she was trudging up the walkway to her front porch. "yeah?"

"do you wanna go out sometime?"

she widened her eyes and he swears she sees the tip of her ears flush a deep red color. "with... you?"

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