unbury secrets & the past

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yuqi was busy these days, aside from having to plan out the spring formal - which happened to be a very big deal around here - she was also unavailable for the rest of the weekend because she had a charity drive going on for the council. so because of that, xuxi was stuck home for the next two days, eating junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner while being scolded by his mom for not doing the chores properly. xuxi kind of felt sorry for himself, but with all his free time and schedule despite being a senior, he didn't know what else to do.

everyone was occupied with college entrance exams, even some of his teammates who failed to enter through a regular, varsity scholarship were too busy reviewing to play a leisurely game of ball with him. xuxi's only on standstill because he had already been accepted. he doesn't feel the hustle and bustle of preparing for examinations and choosing a school for college because he had always had his life planned out ahead of him since the beginning. and he was fine with it.

he just wanted to play ball, that was that. end of the story. his parents supported him through and through, and he's glad they did because where would he be now if they didn't?

"you could be an astronaut," it's tuesday, late in the afternoon, way after classes and yuqi has her body pressed against his in the janitor's closet on the west wing. he pulled her inside, thinking she was in the mood for it but she wasn't, so xuxi had just rambled about what he did the past weekend when she wasn't around. "your head always seems to be above the clouds and your ideas are out of this world."

the cramped space makes xuxi shift uncomfortably. okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea. "ha ha, song. funny."

"i'm serious," she says, sounding not serious at all. "i mean, where did you even get the idea of being friends with benefits with me? honestly, you seem to think like a child sometimes."

"i'm not sure who's even more childish, me or the one who agreed to this." he raises a single eyebrow as he looks down at her. xuxi hasn't seen her in two days, and being with her in this small space made him feel like it had been longer than that.

yuqi shoves him back and he stumbles on a pile of mops and brooms. "definitely the one who started this." she grabs the door handle and they both escape the tiny space of cleaning supplies.

xuxi dusts off the dirt from his uniform and yuqi is adjusting her school blouse when they both hear someone cough in front of them. they look up simultaneously and xuxi can almost feel yuqi's heart drop to her stomach when they see chou tzuyu standing in the middle of the hallway, eyes flickering from xuxi to yuqi as if wondering what these two very opposite people, who didn't even get along in the eyes of others, were doing together at this time.

yuqi looks back at xuxi and seems to have gathered her wits right away. "tzuyu! why are you -"

"did you two just came out of that closet? what were you doing in there?" she sounds confused, like the idea of them hiding in the janitor's closet was more interesting than seeing them stumble out of it together.

yuqi seems to be going into panic mode and it's so painful to watch her try to come up with an excuse or a reason that xuxi steps forward instead, and without much thought blurts out, "we were hiding." maybe because it was the truth, it came out of him so easily.

"what?" tzuyu looks genuinely lost now.

and yuqi looks like she wants to kill him.

"why were you hiding?"

xuxi grits his teeth, why are you asking so many questions? he rolls his eyes and places an arm around yuqi's shoulder, his next words are going to earn him a death sentence complete with torture and beheading from her but he says it anyway. "because we're actually dating."

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