{F/Jackothy} A Small Birthday Present

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Shipping is Jackothy, here's some fluff!


Silently Jack stared at the empty bottles of alcohol. There weren't any specific ones, just as long as it would make him think less about this day, it would be fine. Slowly he grabbed the next one, the liquid inside the brown glas bottle moving.
Today should have been a big day, a day where he can be happy, get everything and everyone he wanted. But sadly, it wasn't like this.

Handsome Jack's birthday wasn't as enjoyable as everyone thought. It was stressful and lonely. Making friends just wasn't Jack's thing, so nobody could come.
He watched the alcohol in the bottle moving, not noticing what happened around him. Not even the gentle knock on his door seemed to interest him.

After a while the door opened, letting light reach the dark room. »Uhm..«, a familia voice started, »Sir?«
Jack looked up, blended from the light. »Geez, can you just«, he had to think a second, to remember what he wanted »close the fricking door?!« After he got used to the sudden brightness, he was able to recognize the person on the door. Or at least he thought that. »Holy crap, are you me from the past?? Does... Did... Did timetravel work?«

»No, Sir. I'm your doppelganger.« Timothy answered, smiling a little. »Can I.. Come in?«
»Sure, sure.« Jack answered, looking away from him and again, at the bottle.
After stepping inside the apartment, Timothy closed the door. Suddenly he noticed a weird smell. It was alcohol. A lot. »Come here, cupcake. Sit down.« Jack patted on the couch. Timothy only nodded and sat next to his boss. He noticed all the bottles on the floor and table. Seeing them all, empty, made him a little bit worried. Witout even thinking he asked, not looking away from the bottles, »Jack, is everything fine?«

Silence filled the room. After a few minutes passed, Jack sighed »Yeah, why ya askin'?«
»Because.. It just came into my mind.« Timothy quickly said. »If ya say so, kiddo.«
The doppelganger watched him opening the bottle he held the whole time. Without getting a glas, he just chucked down the whole bottle in one go. Timothy can speak of luck that it wasn't much. »Sir-«
»Oh, right. Rude of me to not.. To not..« he stopped, searching for a word.

»I don't want anything, thank you though« the freckled man said after another round of silence. Jack leaned back and sighed again, closing his eyes. »What are you even doing here?«
Timothy looked at him. »What?«
"Nobody comes to visit me without a reason. Not even out of free will. Not even.. Her.« the last words sounded sad and where spoken more quietly.
Even Angel, his own daughter, didn't want to see him.

Timothy waited a few seconds, maybe Jack would say something. After that didn't happen and it got silent, he got a little box out of one of his jacket pockets. »Here.« He softly took Jack's hand and gave it to him. After that, he had let go.
»Hm? What's that, pumpkin?« the drunk men opened his eyes and looked at the box.
»It's your birthday, isn't it? I bought you a birthday present, even though I don't have much money.«
Jack just stared at the tiny thing. Timothy Lawrence, the doppelganger who worked for him, just gave him a present. He hadn't got something in years, not even from his daughter.

Timothy got nervous after nothing happened »Was it a stupid idea? Oh god. I'm sorry if I did something wrong-«
»No, no, no. It's fine.« Jack slowly opened the box. It was a small keychain with a golden crown. It sparkled a little. »A crown?«
»It's stupid, isn't it?-«
Jack started to smile. »Guess I can call myself a king now. Thank you, Timmy.« He grinned.

Timothy started to smile. »I'm really happy you like it.«
The older man nodded and yawned. »It's really nice. I'll put it on my key later.«
With another yawn, a drunk Jack leaned his head on Timothy's shoulder.
»I really love it, cupcake.«
»No need to-« Timothy stopped as he saw that Jack fell asleep. He smiled.

Sometimes a devil king can also be an angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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