Chapter 1

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Alessandro Pov

I eye the skyline of New York City before my eyes fall onto the skyscraper. New York was the sin of the underworld, nothing like Las Vegas. But it was my city. So many things wouldn't be here if it weren't for me, many people wouldn't be here if it weren't for me. My city, my rules. There is order here, unlike many cities. I know my business through and through. What comes in and what goes out.

"Don". Nicolo greets me as he approaches the railing I'm leaned against.

"Have they made their way to the warehouses?" I question.

"The Marinos have touched down on New York soil," he ignores my question. "What fucking business could they have here?"

I chuckle in response. "I heard his estranged daughter lives here".

"So you claimed New York for a fucking whore?" he questions in amusement.

"Not just any whore," I turn to him, I smirk. "His one and only little whore".

"Will you use her to get to him?" he smiles, the tone in his voice slightly rising anticipation. "Will we be able to take back what's ours?"

"Possibly," I answer. "It's very possible".

My phone vibrates in my pocket, taking my attention off the conversation at hand. I slip it out, answering it, as my receptionist voice flows through the phone, "Mr. Romano, the candidate you were hiring for the secretary spot, is here".

"Send them up to the private conference," I instruct before hanging up. "We'll finish this conversation later".

"Will we?" Nicolo questions, stepping towards me.

"Since when do you question me?" I inquire, my eyes narrowing on him.

"Never," he responds curtly. "But I am simply referencing ——"

"Nothing," I finish his sentence. I don't need the unnecessary drama from him. I very much know this hits home for him. But in times like this, I account for composure. And if it's something he's unable to give, I have no problem putting someone else in this place. "I have no problem sending you back".

"That won't be needed, Don," he assures me.

"Good," I respond. "Now answer my question".

"Yes, they've made it to the warehouses," he answers. I raise my brow for him to continue. "We received everything from the ports and transferred everything to the warehouses. I will send your personal crate later on tonight".

"Very well," I respond.

"Anything else?" he questions with a slight of annoyance.

I ignore it, walking away from him and through the balcony door. I take the elevator down to my office floor, making my way to my private conference room. As I walk past the glass windows of the darkly lit room, I glance through them, seeing a tall, slender figure. Turning the knob of the door as I enter the room, I study the figure standing by the window. I clear my throat and the figure pivots on their heel towards me.

"Are you just going to stand there?" I ask bluntly. I make an effort to make out their features, but the lightning in the room wasn't doing me any justice. However, they made no effort to make their presence known, and it was ticking me off. I don't have time for this. "If you're just going to stand—-"

"Shit—-um—wait.... um I'm Lilith Collins". The figure emerges into a woman, gesturing her hand out to me. When I don't shake, not that I was planning to, she quickly puts her hand to her side. "I'm here for the secretary job".

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