Chapter 4

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Lilith Pov

When Annabella walks back into Mr. Romano's office, I head into the employee storage room for my coat and tote bag. I sit down on the sofa as my brain racks through what just happened. I didn't mean to anger him, but how can someone be so shitty?

I can handle myself. I know I can. I just—fuck. My heavy emotions flood my body as I place my face in my hands, feeling my tears burn at the corner of my eyes. Maybe I wasn't ready for this. Maybe I should just turn in resignation. There's no point in staying the week if I can't—-

I jump, letting out a shriek as I feel something touch my shoulder. My eyes focus despite my glossy vison on Annabella. Shit. I stand, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. This is fucking embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" Her features screamed pity. I hated it.

I force a fake smile. "Yes, I'm fine. My allergies just have been acting up".

She smooths the back of her skirt before taking a seat on the sofa. "Sit".

I glance over at the clock. It was already 10 and by the time we go where she plans to and get our food, sit down and eat, then fight traffic, then—-

"Lilith. Please sit," her voice takes me out of my rambling thoughts.

I sit back down, resting my hands on my knees. I couldn't help but scratch at my stocking. What happens if he told her what I did? Then they both agreed to fire me. How will I tell Vi—

"Hey calm down," she rests her hand on my own, the one scratching at my stocking speficically. "Whatever is on your mind, I have no intention of discussing it with you".

"So you're not firing me?" I question before thinking.

She gives me a bewildered look. "Why would I fire you?"

"Because I angered him," I answer.

She sighs. "Mr. Romano is a very troublesome person in the morning. And it has nothing to do with you," she responds. "We both have to agree for you to be fired. And I very much don't agree to fire you. Therefore, you are very much still employed".

I let out the breath I was holding. "Thank you".

"You have nothing to thank me for. Mr. Romano's unfair treatment towards you this morning, which I mentioned, is unrelated to you".

"I understand," I smile.

"Great, how about lunch? There's a great authentic Italian restaurant nearby that I go to all the time," she offers once again.

"Yeah sure," I answer. "Do you have the address?"

"No need, we'll take a company car," she gets up. "Come on".

I grab my coat and tote bag from next to me and follow her out of the room. Walking down the hallway, we make a sharp left and head to the elevator. She presses the up button and after a few seconds, the doors open. I follow her in and she pressed the next floor above us and the doors shut. It wasn't long before the doors open and we walked down a small hallway to double brown doors.

"Welcome to my nicer office," she says as she opens the door for me. I walk in and I couldn't help but stare at everything. It was so beautiful. And green. "As you can see, I am a bit of a plant enthusiast. I hope you don't mind".

I laugh. "No, I don't. It's really pretty". My eyes fall onto a monstera plant, planted into a pot with Italian writing that I instantly recognized. Though I refrained from going up to it. All that is in the past now.

"Ready to go?" I turn to her. I nod. We walk out of her office, back to the same elevator, and take it down to the garage. When the door opens, I see a black BMW parked in front of us by the curb. We walk over and she holds the door for me to go in first. I get in with her following as I set my tote bag in between us.

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