Chapter 5

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Alessandro Pov

I adjust myself in my chair as my employees file in. My eyes glance over to Lilith, who's shrunk beside as the watered down ice cube in my glass. Leaning over, I brush a piece of hair behind her ear. "Sit up".

She sides eyes me and I want to joist her up in the chair myself. I narrow my eyes, not wanting to repeat myself, and she straightens herself in the chair.

As my employees take a seat, last but not least, Thomas Harris walks in. He sets up his computer, mirroring it to the projector while his associates gather their files. He turns to me with a smile on his face. "Good morning everyone, I just wanted to say thank you for us today, especially you Mr. Ro----"

"Get on with it, Mr. Romano doesn't have all day," Nicolo pops the top of his pen onto the table, rolling onto Lilith's laptop. "Start".

"Right," Thomas pushes his glasses up his nose. "So in today's economy we ask ourselves what can we do to make society more sustainable. Of course the answers would be pure energy, clean water, recycling, etc. However we can't conquer the entire planet at once so we have to look to the biggest, most popular cities int he world and of course why not start with New York. Here in New York....."

I drown out Thomas and lean over to Lilith. "Start typing and I suggest you get every detailed note".

She lets out a small sigh. "Sure".

She opens her laptop, titling a new document before typing away. I bring my eyes back to Thomas but continue to drown him out. I have no interest in what he says about the fucking environment. It's dying. Who gives a fucking shit? What I am more interested in is why my fucking secretary lied to me. I figured something didn't add up but I wait 5 mins before glancing over to her computer screen. She's already on a second page of notes. Good girl. I lean back in the chair, resting my palms in my lap before placing a hand on one of her thighs and dragging it down to the edge of her chair.

I drag her chair towards me before resting my hand back on her thigh. She immediately stops typing as she's frozen under my touch. I squeeze her thigh to signal her to continue to type, but she removes her hands from her keyboard and rests her hands in her lap, keeping them from touching my hand on her left thigh.

"Continue typing, Lilith," I instruct lowly. "Now".

"No," she mutters as my grip tightens on her thigh. Her hand shoots out, wrapping around my wrist. "Let go". My grips tightens even more upon her request as her nails dig into my skin because of the pain. "Please". Her voice seems to carry over to Nicolo as he glances over at us, then me. A smirk tilts at the side of his lips before turning his attention back to the presentation at hand.

I loosen my grip on her thigh, smoothing out her skirt. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything," I answer.

"I told you everything," she lies.

"Hm, that's where you're wrong, Ms. Collins. You've lied to me. And I don't like liars. Would you like to know what I do to liars?" I question.

"You mean people like you," she looks over at me.

My eyes find her grey orbs. I tilt my head to the side in amusement. "And what would you know about people like me?"

"You hurt people," she whispers, tearing her eyes from me.

I squeeze her thigh once more in agitation, "Don't turn yourself away me from while I'm talking to you".

She suddenly snaps her head at me. "I have every right when you're acting like an animal".

"You haven't seen me feral, Ms. Collins," I grit out, my eyes boring into hers.

"And I don't plan to," she seethes.

"You think you can get away from me that quick".

"I know I can".

A throat suddenly clears, and I snap my attention to Nicolo. He side glances off to Thomas and I sit up straight, keeping my hand on her thigh. I have no fucking interest in this anymore. "Your presentation will be under view along with your idea, till then continue to build your.... brand". He looks confused amongst his counterparts. I've had enough. "Everyone out! Now!"

Everyone at the table quickly gets up, putting their stuff together, but Nicolo sits back in his chair, staring at us. As the last couple of people file out, a smirk plays on his lips. "I'll cover what wasn't said, Boss".

He stands, buttoning his suit jacket, and pushes his chair in. She eyes him as he walks out, shutting the door behind him. However, she didn't hear the lock click, which was very beneficial to me.

Everyone filed throughout the hallway, shutting doors until finally we were engulfed in silenced. She stays frozen in the chair as the shudder of breaths could only be heard in the room. She turns to me. "What do you want from me?"

"I want to know why you lied?" I question.

She stands, pushing the chair under the table in frustration. "I didn't lie. And I don't appreciate you calling me a liar". She begins to pack up her stuff and I yank away her bag, tossing it to the floor along with the chair I was seated in. "Give it back!" She lunges for it, and I take hold of her arm.

Before I could stop myself, I close the little distance between us, slamming her back against the wall. I take hold of her wrists, holdings her arms by her head. Harsh breaths come out of her mouth as her eyes are shut tightly shut. Ever since she's been here, something has snapped in me. Something feral. And it wasn't until I couldn't help myself follow them to that stupid restaurant it when I realized just how far I was going with this. Something about her, something about those fucking eyes. "I highly suggest you tell me everything, Ms. Collins. What the fuck are you lying about?"

"I can't," she breathes out. "I——"

"Don't fucking lie!" I seethe out angrily.

"My name is Alessandria Lilith Collins," she says. "My father, he's.... he's a mob boss, but I don't know him. And my mother left us and I haven't seen her since I was 5".

My grip loosens on her wrists and her arms drop to her sides. "Do you know who I am, Ms. Collins". She bites her lip as her eyes stay stuck on the floor. "Look me in the eye Ms. Collins".

She sucks in a small intake of breath before looking up finally. "I don't know who you are, but something tells me you're different. Dark".

"I could very much be that amongst other things". Her eyes fall from mine, glued to the floor once again. And she concentrates on a square tile, pulling her eyebrows into an almost straight line. "Would you like to know who I am?"

She looks up at me. " would I find out?"

A smirk rises at the corner of my lips. "Did you like that restaurant my sister took you to".

Her brows furrow in confusion. "Sister?"

I laugh, my voice carrying out through the room. "There are many things you don't know in that little head of yours".

She sighs. "I suppose I did".

"Good, then I'm sure you're not busy Saturday night, correct?" She shook her head. "Good." She opens her mouth to speak, but quickly seals her lips together. "Is there something you disagree with?"

"Isn't it inappropriate for bosses and employees to be together outside of a workplace when not related to work, let alone dine together?"

I smile as I brush back a strand of hair from her loose ponytail. My doing, of course. "I'm the boss, love. I have all the power in the world to do what I want". I undo her ponytail and slip the scrunchie onto my wrist, letting her hair fall. "And of course when I want".

"What time Saturday?"


"So, all it is, is just a dinner?"

"It's all it'll ever be".

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