Chapter 6

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Lilith Pov

The week went by rather smoothly since Monday, but then again, Mr. Romano wasn't in the office for the rest of the week. And when I asked Annabella, she said he was visiting the family. But I haven't told Annabella that I know they're siblings. I feel like I'd be crossing a line. They're both so different from what I've noticed. She's more work oriented than breaking the boundary sometimes, and he's just... him.

I briefly sit on the sofa, checking the morning email before closing my laptop. Grabbing my bag, I slip my laptop into the sleeve of the pocket and zip up my bag. Before heading out, I make sure to grab my badge, knowing I can't afford to forget it this time around. Not that he would know since he's been gone for the week.

However, I did slightly wish he'd pop up one of these days. I'm still confused about everything that happened on Monday and whether that stupid dinner I agreed to is still on. It's hard to grasp that he discovered, likely because my father is watching and involved. It's happened last time and of course it happens this time. No matter how far I get from him, he's always keeping tabs on me. I can't ever escape it. And god only knows I want to.

Leaving the office, I turn off the lights and go to the elevator. I get to the garage in 5 minutes as most people have already left before 5 and it doesn't stop on every floor like in the morning. It's a damn hassle. The elevator's doors open and I head over to the car parked in the corner. As I unlock my trunk, putting my things in, my phone dings.

I take it out and it's a text from an unknown number. Hesitantly, I open it and read it.

Very well, Ms. Collins, for your first week. I'm impressed, you stayed late all week. I hope you didn't have too much fun in my office alone.

I nearly drop my phone on the concrete as I reread the text repeatedly. How the hell did he get my number? Let alone, he shouldn't be texting me. It's inappropriate. But fuck what do I say? I could thank him like he truly wants or reply that this is very inappropriate to text me. But then again, I could lose my job if I pick the latter. Before I could answer, my phone rings with the same unknown number.

I quickly close my trunk and hop into the driver's seat, laying my phone down in my lap. It rings for a second time and I finally gain the guts to answer.

I clear my throat, "Hello?"

"Ms. Collins," his voice flows through the phone. "How's your week been?"

"Um fine, I guess," I answer.

"Good," he simply replies. "I would hate to have to fire anyone who messes with you".

"I'm sure that's unnecessary, sir. I mean, this is a professional workplace, and it's bound to get heated".

He chuckles over the phone. "Bound to get heated, hm?"

"Um, yes." I'm not really sure of the purpose of this call. Which I should mention again is freaking inappropriate. "Is there anything else you would like to know, sir? There wasn't much in your absence of visiting your family".

"Visiting my family?"

"Yes, it's what Ms. Annabe---your sister said".

This time, he laughs through the phone. "Love, I don't got any visiting family in the next 500 miles from here. But I suppose whatever floats your boat".

"Then why haven't you been here all week, then, sir? A man like you doesn't just take a week off".



"Hm, Ms. Collins, you seem to know a lot since knowing me very little".

I hear movement in the background before the phone goes silent. Oh, great, I guess. Using that minute of silence, I start my car, turning on the radio.

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