Chapter 2

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Lilith Pov

I breathe out the breath I held for the last 30 minutes. I think I made it or I hope. It's a week, just 1 week. Meaning I just need to embrace the confidence for 6 hours of my day, then I get to go home. The beeping sounds of a horn brings me out of my thoughts and I look up to see the walking sign on the crosswalk light. Oh right. I walk across the street over to the parking garage where my car is parked.

I walk over to the booth and gave the man my ticket and thanked him before heading to my car. I start my car as soon as I get in, as the October chill of the wind shakes my bones to the core. God, I hate it when it gets so cold here. I try my best to warm up my hands against the vents which seemed to pay off as I felt the blood rushing through my veins again.

My phone chimes and I see it's a message from Vince. I open it and read it.

Hey baby sis, how'd it go?

I smile. Vince and I started talking again and I genuinely enjoy it now. It's different this time. He doesn't pressure me to talk much anymore and is more open to my decision to stay in New York. I have no interest in going back and I don't think I ever want to. I want to build my life the best way I can, with missing memories or not. Before I pull off, I quickly text him back.

I think I did good. He'll get back to me soon about everything else that I need to know.

He immediately texts back.

That's great, baby sis. I'm very proud of you.

I can't help but smile at his words. It feels good hearing it from him. This year has been a shit show for me and I just really want these last 3 months to be the best for me. Shifting the car into gear, I pull out of the parking garage onto the main street. I drive down it until I see the sign to my doctor's office and quickly switch lanes before pulling into the parking lot.

I shut the engine off and head in. The receptionist greets me as usual as I sign in and sit down. It wasn't long before she called me and the door opened, greeting me with Adelina.

"Hi Lilith, how are you doing today?" she greets me as I get up and walk through the door as usual.

"I'm fine," I answer. "How was your trip to Dubai?"

"Oh it was well, the kids enjoyed it," she smiles as she opens her office door. I always enjoyed her office more than the others. It was way more comfortable while the rest of the offices just seemed colder. But then again, that just might be my anxiety.

I sit down in the fluffy pink chair as she grabs her notebook with my name on it. She sits down in front of me, scribbling down something before looking up at me. "So how'd it go?"

"I think it went well," I answer. "I messed up a bit, but he gave me a second chance".

"Really? And how did that make you feel?" she asks.

"It felt good, I think. Though I'm not completely sure. My anxiety got the best of me though and if it wasn't for him giving me a second chance, I don't think I would've gotten the job," I explain.

"Well, that is completely fine. I applaud you for getting the courage to apply and go through with it despite your hiccup," she praises me. "How did the environment feel? What can you say your new boss will be like?"

"The environment is new, most definitely. A bit uncomfortable. Everyone and everything seems so fancy. It feels like I may not fit in," I begin. "And the boss he's very..... I don't know different, I guess. I'm not sure how to explain it".

"That's being expected, since it is very a big corporation. One of the biggest in the state," she smiles at me before writing something down. "However, don't let it stop you from using your full potential, Lilith. You got the job for a reason. Therefore, it doesn't matter how fancy anything is, just be you, okay?"

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