Part 2

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Zim's P.O.V

2 months since my role was removed, 2 months of crying for my banishment, 2 months after the Tallests visited my base.

"Zim, let's go and take a breather, ok?" Dib asked hoping I would agree, "Dib-worm, I have no interest to explore the outside for now..." I said upsettingly (?)

"You want me to buy you something?"

"Ok, just don't take too long" I was scared of being left behind again, "Zim, you know I'll never leave you behind..." Dib said comfortingly.

"Can you buy Zim some chips, please?" Dib educated me properly on how to say please and thank you, even to lower life forms.

"Of course, try not to do anything dumb while I'm gone. I'll be back soon!" Dib said and walked out throught the door.

"MAsTaH! I HaVe maDE tACos!!!" Gir yelled causing me to jump in surprise

"GIR! DON'T POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE, HOLY IRK!" I yelled while placing my hand on my chest as my breath sped up rapidly.


"And no, Zim don't need tacos." I grimaced at the look of the taco, it has molds on the tortilla and the containements has alot of dirt and hair on it.

"MORE FOR ME THEN!O(≧∇≦)O" Gir said and started eating the taco, "How on irk did he say that out loud?" I thought to myself.

I shook my head nknowing Gir is just being Gir.

I always thought about the condition of my lab. So, I started walking to a certain place to go to my lab.

It was dark, "Computer!" I said hoping the computer's still working. "Yes, sir?" I was happy to see the computer still alive and well. "Turn on every light in the lab."

"Fine." He says with a sigh

On cue, the lights turned on. "It's been a while..." I frowned to see everything was broken and scratched up... Guess, I'm cleaning.

Dib's P.O.V

I'm worried about Zim, he is so clingy ever since those douchebag of a leader removed his role but it makes me happy knowing he won't be played by anyone anymore.

"Will that be all, sir?" The cashier asked, "Yeah" I replied. I exited the store and started browsing on my cellular device for any good spots I can bring Zim to.

"What about the beach? Nah, I'll be the only one swimming. The park? If he feels ok with it. Restaurant? Seems good." My mind was thinking alot of this.

I'll just speak to him about it.

Zim's P.O.V

"Finally! I cleaned everything. Well, I am pretty awesome." I said smiling triumphantly.

I saw a stock pile of blue prints, I walked over to it just to see my failed plans, I sighed remembering my old Irken ways.

"If only..." I sighed again.

I picked up the stock and said "Computer, please dispose of these."

"On the way." Metal hands scooped up the pile and threw it at the fire. I watched my plans as it begins to turn into ashes.

"Zim feels a bit good, computer!"

"What now?" The computer asked angrily, "Why does Zim feel good?"

"It's called relief, sir." Computer says clearly irritated.

Dib's P.O.V

I went inside the house (Zim and Dib lives together now, his fayher agrees) until I saw a tall silhouette and I recognized them quickly.

"Why on Earth are you here?" I asked angrily, it replied with a smirk.

"I'm here to see my mate, human."

(。・ω・。)ノ ᴼᴷ
A/N Whom'st the fcketh is this?
Credit: tallest-blue
Word count(excluding authors note): 561

A Huge Mistake(Continuation of A Huge Misunderstand) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now