Chapter 5

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Shay's P.O.V- I like heaven, a lot but it's missing my family. I slowly descend down to Earth, back to my house. First I go into our bedroom. I hear crying coming from the bathroom. I go in and see Colette crying on the floor, cutting up her arm. "Colette don't do it. Colette stop. Is this a good influence over our kids?" I say. "Shay?" Colette cries. All I want is her I miss her. She gets up and goes to the gun safe. I put my head in my hands, I made her do this. She goes out side and presses the gun to her head. Kayli comes running and screaming down the hill for her to stop. It's too late before she gets there. She already pull the trigger and hit the ground. I knell down next to her body and rub her, I know she can't feel it because she's human, I'm not. She sits up out of her body, her spirt. We talk a while while her body goes to the hospital. I missed her so much. The last thing I say to her before I send her spirt back to her body, because she would have died if I wasn't here to send her spirt back, I say "never do this again, I'll see you in a long time." Then we kiss for a while. "Good bye Colette" I whisper.

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