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jeno sighed, for the third time that day. he felt defeated. he felt like a failure–well he was one. three cases. not one, not two, but three completely straightforward cases had been messed up by the newbie within a matter of the two months that he had spent in the organisation.

it wasn't that he found the jobs difficult, he just didn't have it in him, to kill people. sure he was the son of the late head of command but that didn't mean that he was automatically good at being an assassin, no he was far from it.

and yet he had hope, hope that he would make it work and not tarnish his father's reputation, hope that his mother would be proud of him, that the light in her eyes would return to the way it was when his father was alive, and maybe, just a little, hope that he would get noticed by the company's top assassin, the person he admired the most, na jaemin.


ever since he was a mere child,  jaemin had been brought up to kill. it came to him as naturally as eating, sleeping or perhaps even breathing. he never thought twice, never regretted, nor showed any emotions during an assigned mission. he was agile, lithe and breathtakingly handsome and yet he was lonely. in every sense of the word. he had cut ties with his family to be able to pursue his job, all assassins had to, except maybe lee jeno who's family had been closely associated with the organisation since it had originated.

lee jeno. jaemin smirked as he thought of that name. he didn't know the young assassin at all, except for a few awkward greetings exchanged during formal meetings. he found his failures to be quite amusing, and a tad bit annoying if he were to think about it.

how could an assassin, one who was the son of the man that had lead them all impeccably and gone down as one of their finest men, be an absolute, complete screwup.

it just didn't sit well with him. and yet whenever the busy prodigy-assassin had time to enough time to sit and think, thoughts about jeno never failed to cross his mind.


word count : 400 words


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