chapter one

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na jaemin

the practice room was a place that jaemin felt more at home in than his own designated accommodation. he came there whenever he was free, considering he was tied up in completing assignments, big and small, simple and complicated, nearly every other day.

he had spent his whole day-off in the familiar surroundings, practicing his aim in the weapons area, brushing up on his knowledge on potentially fatal venoms and concoctions and had been punching the punching bag without much effort, when the mission alarm on his watch went off.

"not again!" he groaned in frustration as he realized he'd be deployed yet again. don't get him wrong, he loved his job. as sick as it might be, the thrill he got on fulfilling his duties was unmatched, even though he had to take another life to feel it. however, he had been extremely exhausted lately, barely catching a wink of sleep and excessively exerting himself both physically and mentally.

random thoughts about lee jeno flitting to mind did not help his state at all. it wasn't that he was enamored by him, quite the opposite actually. he gave his all to every single mission because he couldn't bear the thought to be ridiculed the same way jeno was for being a quote-unquote, screwup.

and so with his head hung low, and only the thoughts of his reputation in mind he briskly walked towards the mission room located in the opposite end of the right-wing of the headquarters.


lee jeno

just as jeno was about to commence with his third  'wallowing in self pity' session of the day, the beeping sound of the mission alarm on his wristwatch brought him back to reality.

he despised this sound nearly as much as he despised the man that had killed his father. had he not have been murdered, jeno would've had a couple more years to convince his parents to let him pursue his passion of becoming a vet and not an assassin. his father's tragic death along with the death of seven more agents had lead to a lack in the number of agents and had hence forced him to join the force.

"haven't i failed enough times already to still be able enough to be sent for yet another mission!"  he complained to himself. "can't they just understand that i loathe this job and would do quite about anything just to be away from this darned place!"

"quit complaining lee", his roommate donghyuk said to him.

"your surname is lee too hyuck-ah," the annoyed assassin remarked and turned to leave, feeling a pillow softly hit his back as he closed the door.

he wondered about what kind of mission it would be when he saw on his watch that the  alarm had been received by another assassin as well. could he be getting a partner ?

he walked along the narrow hallways of the living quarters and then reached the glass doors from which the large wing of the 'headquarters' emerged. though jeno hated his field of work, the spectacularly planned modern design of the building never failed to make him awestruck. 

throughout the walk to the mission room, he was a huge bundle of nerves, thinking up the worst possible scenarios he could be faced with. 

just as he reached the corridor that lead up to where he was supposed to be, a head of fluffy pink hair entered his line of vision. "this can't be possible," where his only thoughts as he, without a second thought tapped the person's shoulder to catch their attention. na jaemin!

realization of what he had done in the heat of the moment dawned on his face as the person in question turned around to face him with a scowl on his pretty face. (yes jeno thought he was pretty, quite the prettiest, but he wouldn't dare admit his feelings, even to himself.)

yes jeno was well known to be a screw up both in terms of his job and his social skills, and yet again he had screwed up, however this time with something seemingly ordinary and yet monumental to him, his teenie-meenie adorable little crush on agent 094, na jaemin.


word count : 750 words


left y'all with a lil cliffhanger didn't i ;)

i hope you like the chapter! i thought i'd have more time to write considering the whole covid situation, however, online classes are keeping me sooo busy so updates will continue to occur once a week, every saturday!

thank you for reading! don't forget to vote and comment!


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