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All credit goes to @Nobi-wobi for the costume

Today was a big day for Joe. Meet-ups and events were always, although rewarding, slightly disconcerting- talking to strangers who knew so much about his life left him feeling slightly unsettled and overexposed as well as grateful. He got ready quickly, taking extra care with his deodorant and spraying his cologne liberally so as to combat the plethora of hugs that he was sure would come his way over the course of his day.

His hands started to shake slightly as his phone buzzed with the notification of his uber driver arriving at his apartment building. Byron still hadn't stirred, so he shut the door quietly as he left.  For the entirety of his journey, he couldn't resist the temptation of refreshing twitter again and again, as the experiences of people waiting for him at the venue poured and poured in. Joe found himself almost thankful that soon he would be rushed off of his feet, without a second to think. He exhaled audibly in an attempt to calm himself, to which his driver had peered through the rear mirror in order to check on him.

He thanked them hurriedly, before entering the building and immediately becoming swept up in the craziness of the event.

Dianne was nervous too. She had enlisted Oti's help the previous evening to find something that was meet and greet appropriate, but having never been to anything like one she was still not completely convinced that it was right.

"Oti nothing looks right I'm going to look like an idiot!"

"Di calm down, I'm sure you've got plenty of things in that wardrobe of yours, I'm sure that something will work."

Dianne stayed quietly on her bed as she watched her friend rifle through the mountain of clothes that she had dumped on a pile on the floor in frustration.

"What about this?" she asked, holding up a pretty dress that she had worn on it takes two a few months ago.

"It's too fancy. What if it's cold in there?"

Luckily, her friend hadn't noticed her rolling her eyes at her dilemma as she continued to search for possible outfits. It had been almost half an hour before any of Oti's suggestions were properly considered.

"This dress and these boots?" she asked as she tried desperately to disguise her exasperation, holding up a shirt dress and Dianne's favourite pair of black over the knee boots.

When her friend didn't show any outward critique she accepted that this was the best she was going to get, so Oti wished her housemate goodnight before heading to bed.

She sighed at her reflection, pulling at the fabric of her dress absentmindedly before grabbing her signature red lipstick-hoping that it would help her to feign the confidence she wished she had. Oti handed her bag, containing the camera and hugged her goodbye, wishing her luck as she stepped out of the door in her slightly wobbly boots.

It was just after midday by the time that she had arrived, and Dianne had never felt so out of place. The whole arena was bustling with people, almost all of them being younger than her, and dressed completely differently. A pang of regret burst through her at the idea that she shouldn't have gone with the boots, they made her stick out so much more than an inconspicuous hoodie and skinny jeans. The crowds only seemed to get faster moving, and she found herself completely overwhelmed very quickly.

Although she was used to big places, after having danced in arenas all around the world the vastness of the arena only added to her unrest. Her eyes flitted mindlessly over stalls selling the logo-imprinted hoodies and t-shirts that most of the people milling around seemed to be wearing, and the dozens of food stalls that surrounded the arena. She had to stifle a laugh a very disappointed man dressed in a hot dog suit, who looked like he'd rather be anywhere else.  However, she didn't stay distracted for long as multiple people bumped into her and disorientated her further.

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