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Karen led him silently backstage, past the stares of the other dancers until they reach the girl's dressing room. "She'll be in there, but she's locked the door."

He nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

"Anytime. Can you let her know that we're all meet her at the hotel?"

He nodded once again, watching as the remaining dancers were rounded up and the equipment and costumes were wheeled past him onto the waiting bus.

Sighing, he sat down against the door. Muffled sobs were coming from the other side of the door and he shuffled slightly as he tried to find something, anything to say to give comfort.

"Dianne? Are you in there?" he called quietly.

"No." came the response, and he laughed slightly despite himself.

"It's Joe. Can I come in?" he asked gently, the way you would talk to a frightened child.


"Okay. Do you want me to go?"

"No. Stay." She said quietly, as tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

"Okay." He replied, settling himself against the closed door as he prepared to wait.

Dianne was just about to speak again when her phone rang. She sighed, as she read the caller ID.

"Dianne what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

She sighed. "Hello to you too Oti."

"Seriously Di what is going on?"

"I don't know. I was so ready to meet him and then he was right in front of me and I couldn't. I don't know." She repeated as she paced around the room.

Oti sighed as she heard her friend panic even more. "It's alright Di, take a few deep breaths with me okay?" she said, breathing slowly and deeply.

"I'm alright, sorry about that." She said finally, her voice still shaky but a little stronger than it had been before.

"That's alright. Now I know you didn't actually say anything him but what's he like in real life?" she asked, wanting to relax her friend a bit before the inevitable.

"He's gorgeous Mabuse." She said, settling with her back to the inside of the door. "Even more beautiful in real life."

Due to her new position, Joe was suddenly aware that he could hear everything that both Dianne, and what sounded like Oti were saying. He blushed at the compliment as he fought to remain quiet, and attempted to block out the rest of the conversation, not wanting to be seen eavesdropping.

"I'm scared, Oti."

"I know you are. But you want this, right?"

"I do," she admitted, and Joe sighed with relief from the other side of the door.

"I know he's waiting outside your door right now Di but you can't expect him to wait forever."

"How do you know that?"

"I may have sent Karen to make sure that this didn't happen. I know what you're like Di and I did not trust you to not run away."

Dianne burst out into laughter. "Thanks Oti, I owe you."

"You do. Now go and get your man." She laughed, hanging up.

Dianne glanced warily around the now-empty room. Without the sound of her friend's voice to distract her, she became all too aware of her situation. She sighed, knowing that she had no option other than to face him.

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